Sunday, October 31, 2021


    One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In our society there are more and more calls for socialism and increasingly socialist policies despite the fact that from Russia to Cambodia to Cuba, socialism has never worked. 

Now, the liberals in the sixties may have had some good ideas, but these days civil rights for black people has turned into police not being allowed to enforce the law and fascist dictums about what we can read, view and say. 

That's right, I said fascist, because socialism or communism always becomes fascism. When the socialists in a particular nation can't get the people to go along with their vision of how the world should be they force the people to comply.

We'd better make an abrupt turn around from this left-wing direction in which the West is headed or we'll be the next China, Vietnam or Romania, or, for that matter, the next Spain or Nazi Germany. 

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