Saturday, October 31, 2020


    In fancy let us go inside

The manger, crude and bear,

And kneel before the Christ-child

So gently sleeping there.


God's angels hover all around

To shield the baby from harm

His mother, Mary, cradles Him

Within her loving arm.


Remember how, at the age of twelve

He left His parents side

And stayed within the temple

To converse with priests and scribes 

And later on, beside the sea

A multitude did feed

With fishes three and loaves of two

He satisfied their need.

Remember how he talked with friends

And tried to show the way

As He still leads on today

To help us live our life with Him

And in Jesus' name we pray.

All we must do is learn to believe

In God's almightypower

And we shall meet Him face to face

At our appointed hour.


Violet Isabelle Stewart


The woman who told that there is someone who watches over me.




    The me me me world needs to become the Him Him Him world. Him would be our Lord who sent His son Jesus, our light and the Christ who dictates and directs His way in the truth of life.


The wisdom and the knowledge directed by logic and common sense is the seed of Creation and the true meaning of our purpose, as the Bible explains from Creation to death.


Trump is God's way of waving a red flag. Get off the train of sin; you are far better walking on the tracks.


Evil never sleeps because truth forever seeks.




    The sickness all around us is not of COVID: the sickness is the evil demonic force that feeds off our fear. As we put on our mask we unknowingly feed it by our ignorance of it as we comply with it's potentially endless demands.

It is not easy to see the darkness that is drawing you in when your eyes are closed to God.

God's truth is laid out for us through the life of Christ he lived and died. This is the only truth that shines the light into darkness, exposing the sins of this world of ignorance and arrogance unto Satan's deception.

God's truth will make you free. As you learn the truth of eternal life you begin to see the distracted ways of man and how it is the trail of destruction unto eternal death that leads to torment in the ungodly place.

Jesus Christ is the light that lights the path of truth that leads up the mountain of faith and it's Guide that is the wisdom, knowledge, logic, and common sense that is our true purpose and direction.

Pray only in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation to be granted. Amen.



    We are all vessels created by God to complete God's will. Mankind always has been of God's purpose, still is of God's purpose and will always be of God's will and purpose. Mary, Jesus' mother, was a vessel of God, and, in that Jesus was fully man as well as fully God, Jesus was a vessel of God sent to Earth to save people by the wisdom of the knowledge that Jesus is (exists) and always will be.


The path Jesus laid out for us is the eternal truth, the eternal love and the eternal life laid out by God's will. Amen. 



Today is not about yesterday but about where you will be tomorrow.


If you support abortion, then you are guilty of every innocent life lost to this selfish destruction.


If you support pedophile, then you are guilty of every destroyed life that has been interfered with in this way.


If you support transgenderism then you deserve every evil that falls upon you.


The choices we make matter; they direct our destiny and eternal existence.


The truth does not care if it offends you.


 Choose now the Lord Jesus Christ as the trail of truth that leads to eternal life. (Acts 2 38) Amen. 

Beware of the demons that feed off the living

to prevent their own demise.

They are the slaves of Satan

Who know his evil surprise.


They search for the weak'

 Who don't see them coming

And trap them with deception and lies.

The dilemma of the twenty-first century: choose pro-life or choose pro-death.

Pro-life: our Lord Jesus Christ; pro-death: the result of the unfortunate choices we have made in our ungodly ways.


Our new virtual reality has turned bad into good and good into bad, but in actual reality truth is still truth and lies are still lies.




I no longer wish to stay in this place that is doomed to destruction: what's the point? It seems that man's only objectives are to make life easy to live and wars easy to fight. We've been taken over by greed. Our lives are spent trying to make tomorrow easier to live than today while at the same time a portion of the money we earn is taken to build an arsenal of which a small part could wipe out the earth at any time.


Is this it? Do we spend our lives here and when we die, no matter how, is that the end. Do good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell or is there more? 


If man really did evolve from a tiny life form where did it come from? Did it suddenly appear, perhaps land here from another place or did God create it out of the dust that was always here? 


The way I see it, the answers to these questions regarding life can only become clear after death.


Our next existence, as I see it is too vast to comprehend but I feel that if we do have a soul (and how could we not?) it goes on as life eternal. All the different religious beliefs about life and death, how we arrived on this planet and where we go when we leave must all be relevant. Perhaps I will find out someday, somehow.

Note: I eventually did find the answer to this human dilemma in Jesus Christ. The answer is in the                         beginning and amen.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020


                                "The wages of the righteous woman is the gift of life but the earnings of the wicked are sin and death." Proverbs 10 16 

Any person who supports child killing in the womb is denying the purpose of their existence. We are here to sacrifice ourselves for our children; not to sacrifice our children for our own pride-filled evil ways.

People agree with abortion because they are afraid; people agree with lgbt because they are afraid; people wear masks because they are afraid with the virtual fear that feeds off of their deception


True women's rights were established when Eve was created from the rib of Adam and have never really changed since the fall of man to sin and misdirection. The fall of man has only distorted and manipulated the true purpose of women through Eve.

To say that a clump of cells forming in a woman's womb is not a human life is like saying an egg in a nest will not become a flying bird that knows its true direction or that a caterpillar that forms a cacoon and emerges as a butterfly was never a caterpillar that formed a caccoon and became a butterfly. 


 The way for a woman who doesn't want a baby not to have one is to perform the self-sacrifice of not having sex.

Through the truth of Creation by the Creator God in Jesus' name we pray for all the souls that are lost in this deception. Amen



This planet is of God who created it for His created people to have and care for it so it will care for us.


It is also the world of Satan who was placed here to ensure that his type will never return to Heaven and receive God's rewards that are earned through what Jesus did, self-sacrifice for others even when they mock Him.


The beginning of a mocker's salvation is for the one he mocks to pray for him, asking Jesus to reveal Himself into the mocker's life so that the mocker may return to the one he mocked, seeking their Truth.


When a demon meets a born-again child of God it knows their walls can not be penetrated but will still try to look for weaknesses in their armor. Beware of a priest who will convince you that you have been saved  by saying the rosary and praying to Mary, believing she is the mother of God. This is one of Satan's tricks that causes you to believe you have been saved from your sins. Only Jesus can save in truth. (Acts 2 38) When you believe you have been saved in this way of Catholicism demons know that you are no longer their concern.

The Catholic was created by Satan to serve his ways of hatred for God.

Praying to Mary is not praying to God; only praying to God in the name of Jesus is praying to God.

True Christianity is walking in a relationship with God. Why pray to dead saints when you can talk directly to the God who loves you.

Beware of the priest that comes to you in your darkness to offer you God's light.



Monday, October 12, 2020


         Here's an interesting and thought-provoking          that may help to dispel our thinking about man, his origins and progress.