Thursday, October 14, 2021


Proverbs 11

v1: The Lord cares about all aspects of our lives, including our business dealings.

v3: This verse seems especially timely in light of the current vaccine mandates. As Christians, we must be guided by our God-given sense of doing the right thing. This will lead us into good (Romans 8 28) but the sinners who go along to get along will be destroyed in hellfire.

v4: Matthew 16 26

v7: The world puts its hope in so many things, but when the unbeliever dies and goes to Hell, he realizes the vanity of that false hope. 

v13: Be loyal to the people in your life and keep the secrets they entrust to you.

v14: This verse tells us why fellowship is important. I don't mean going to church; I mean real, deep, interactive fellowship between brothers and sisters in Christ. Bouncing thoughts off each other about Christ and the Christian life is so important.

This verse could also make a case for why its important to listen to multiple Bible teachers. You need to get a variety of opinions and prayerfully digest them rather than relying on one man for all your spiritual truth.

v28: This verse corresponds with verse 4. If you are worshipping your wealth and making an idol out of pursuing the finest quality of material possessions, in the end you'll lose everything, including your wealth, but if you clothe yourself with Christ and His righteousness and trust in Him, then you will one day live in a world that is perfect, beyond anything money can buy today.

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