Monday, October 18, 2021



 v1: Oftentimes, its all in the way in which someone responds.

v2: A wise person says intelligent things at the right time, but a fool just pours out indiscreet stupidity from his mouth like a leaky pipe.

v3: God knows everything you do, say and even think.

v5: A foolish child thinks he knows better than his parents, but the wise child of godly parents benefits from listening to them.

v7: Wise people proclaim the true knowledge of Jesus Christ and the redemption and salvation He brings, whereas fools promulgate false knowledge that never has and never will save anyone's soul.

v8: God delights in the faithful prayer and the works that flow out of the faith His people have in Him, but wicked people who don't have a relationship with the Lorde needn't think they will get into Heaven simply because they said a prayer or two or many with no actual change of mind and resultant change of heart.

v9: Again, it's about seeking the ruler and creator of the universe's way of being right with Him, not following what we want to believe is the right way to make it.

v10: See what the author of Hebrews said about discipline.

v12: People with a scornful attitude toward God don't like to be told their behaviour is sinful and they won't ask the wise if their behaviour is sinful either due to their foolish pride and arrogance.

v14: When we become Christians and as we grow, we want to know about the things of God and how life and the world fit into a universe where He is the creator and ruler. Fools, however, only want more foolishness to confirm their false beliefs.

v16: It's better to be poor and godly than to be a rich sinner. One day, Christians will live in eternal perfection, pleasure and abundance; meanwhile, the wealth of the wicked will have been destroyed by fire as it says in 2 Peter and the wicked will be undergoing a state of eternal destruction in Hell.

v17: It's better to live in a loving home that is poor than to have everything in a household that doesn't get along.

v18: A bad-tempered person creates disputes, a person who is slow to get angry resolves disputes.

v21: Unbelievers enjoy going through life in their foolish ways, but the righteous understand that living God's way is the right way.

v24: The way of the God of Heaven brings abundant and eternal life to people, providing a way out of Hell for them.

v29: If you are wicked, God does not heed your prayers the way he heeds those of His people.

v31: It's always wise to listen to godly correction.

v32: When we listen to godly correction, we understand more and more about who God is and how to live in Him. Those who don't, however, hate their souls and wish them to be forever condemned in Hell.

v33: If we humble ourselves before the Lord and respect Him, we will then be wise and also receive honour in Heaven on that judgment day.

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