Thursday, October 14, 2021


Proverbs 12

v5: When we listen to the advice of the unbeliever, it only makes us act more and more like the unbeliever and will bring us to no good end either in this life or the life to come, but when we listen to Biblically-sound advice, we end up taking the right path.

v7: One day the wicked will be gone but we Christians will live forever.

v15: We often have the thought to do something that so seems like the right thing, but following that often leads to trouble. However, if we listen to the wise advice of others on the matter, things will go a lot better for us.

v17: Though it can seem trite because we hear it so often, and even though doing so isn't prized in a lot of circles, it really is important to be honest.

v18 : See the passage in James about the power of the tongue. So many people are thoughtless with their words and end up doing a lot of damage to other people, but we Christians should always speak the way God wants us to speak.

v19: The truth is the truth and it stands for always, but eventually a lie will be found out.

v21: For the Christian, no evil in any ultimate sense can befall us (Romans 8 28.) However, the wicked only have evil to look forward to in Hell.

v22: Lying has a lot bigger consequences than we realize.

v25: Have you ever been having a bad day and then someone compliments you and whatever you were dealing with now doesn't seem so terrible?

v27: Industrious people care more about properly using their resources whereas lazy people don't.

v28: The righteous will not see death in any true sense. Our bodies may physically die but our spirits immediately go into the presence of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5 8.) One day our bodies will rise from the grave, be glorified and perfected, joining our spirits in eternal life with Christ (1 Corinthians 15.)

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