Sunday, December 26, 2021


Sad to learn of the death of comedian and CBC broadcaster Candy Palmateer.

Today on "Cross Country Checkup", a caller requested "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" and "All I Want for Christmas is You" was played instead. There was a time when CBC wouldn't have made such a mistake. Also, don't allow people to sing and play the guitar over the phone, especially when they can't sing. I swear, CBC, you just get more and more disgraceful every day.

Been catching up on the saga of WBCQ, WHRI and World's Last Chance on Don Brown's blog. A pretty sad and pathetic situation over all. By the way,  the SW Florida blog looks interesting and informative.

Speaking of which, it looks like Family Broadcasting is no longer on shortwave at all.

I checked out the schedule for Family Entertainment TV. A bit of a neat line-up, but there's definitely stuff on there of which I don't think Grandpa Lester would approve.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


This is a word-for-word dramatization of John's Gospel starring the late, great Canadian actor Christopher Plummer as the narrator, of course ostensibly the apostle John at the time he wrote this book of the Bible.

I hope it ministers to, edifies and blesses you as much as it did me.

My only quibble is they got John 1 5 wrong.

Watch it here. 


Sue Tyler, you perfumed your bed, now lie in it.

That Santa on "Here and Now"  yesterday was something else. He sounded like a hoser who couldn't wait to get off the phone so he could crack open his first beer of the day.

A couple weeks ago Wolf Peterborough, yet again, you couldn't find a replacement host for "All Request Saturday Night", the only decent thing on your station.

Was listening to KGLT from Helena, Montana Thursday afternoon. Sounded like an awesome station.

Was also listening to the emergency railway frequency from Bozeman the same afternoon.

Also listened to the K-Love affiliate from that region of Montana. Glad they didn't deluge their listeners in Christmas music the way UCB Canada did.

The commercial for the Military Families Resource Centre that recently aired on 91x Belleville shouldn't have listed loving kids as a qualification for its early childhood educator position. You shouldn't go into ECE because you "Love kids" since there will always be that child who is hard, if not next to impossible to love.

I suspect the vast majority of Bill Cunningham's Sunday night show is pre-recorded.

Listened to UCB Belleville last Thursday. Looks like they've gotten rid of their teaching programs and filled evenings with a nationally syndicated show sent to stations ala John Tesh. I heard about nothing local except for commercials and a weather forecast. I heard a recording concerning one of the winners of their current contest, but as I listened I realized it was from their Chatham station. Pretty disappointing for a station which I thought when I heard about it coming to Belleville twenty years ago was going to present a lot of unique and local programming focused on Christ. Incidentally, had to turn 'er off when "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" came on.

Apparently, "Saturday Night Blues" is gone from CBC Radio as well.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


AH: A brother in Christ emailed this to me. It is who we are in Christ and what we need to grow and more into as our relationship with God grows and deepens.

If you are ever tempted to think bad of another Christian:

A Helpful Reminder But you don’t have to move. Try this: The next time you see a Christian, look beyond what you can see. Look to what God says is true of him (since He made it happen!) and tell him about it right then and there. “Hello, my friend. Isn’t it amazing that as you stand there, you are a holy son or daughter of God, a blameless, radiant, and righteous friend of His? While you’re stuck in the chaos and turmoil of this world, you are not at all of it, and it is not worthy of you. I know who you are, and I’m thrilled with God because of you.”

Ralph Harris. God's Astounding Opinion of You (Kindle Locations 2083-2087). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition. 

Thursday, December 16, 2021


National Review
How Transgender Ideology Takes Children Hostage      
By Nathanael Blake
June 10, 2021 6:30 AM
Troubled kids are being encouraged to put their own lives on the line for a misguided worldview.
Taking oneself hostage is a bold move, but sometimes it pays off. It worked for Bart, the hero of Mel Brooks’s classic it-could-never-be-made-today comedy Blazing Saddles, and it just might succeed for the trans-kids movement as well.
Among the latest examples of this gambit is a Variety profile of Jazz Jennings, who became famous after appearing on 20/20 as a six-year-old transgender child in 2007. Attention, accolades, activism, and entrepreneurship followed, including a TLC show, I Am Jazz, that is about to enter a seventh season, after a couple of years off for Jennings to deal with “burnout, depression, and anxiety.” Now, Jazz is back, but Variety’s paeon to Jennings and other trans kids inadvertently reveals the dangers of transgender ideology and the movement it fuels.
The piece presents Jazz and other trans icons and advocates as lifesavers, on the premise that trans-identifying children will kill themselves without affirmation and transition treatments. The article claims that laws restricting minors’ access to medical transition “could quite literally be a matter of life and death.” Jazz’s mother, Jeanette, declares, “When I talk to a parent that says to me, ‘My child would not be alive today if it wasn’t for you,’ that makes it all worthwhile. . . . To save a child’s life, there’s nothing greater than that.”
Conversely, skeptics of the trans-kids movement are accused of being hateful, bigoted child-killers. But they are not the ones feeding vulnerable children a suicide script in which the alternative to transition is death. We should be alarmed by a movement that encourages mentally distressed youth to take themselves hostage — the tactic reveals something ugly at the heart of transgender ideology. Furthermore, its presuppositions are unsupported by the evidence. Though those who identify as transgender do commit or attempt suicide at high rates, it has not been demonstrated that early transition will ameliorate this.
For example, citing Jack Turban of Stanford’s medical school, Variety reports that “being able to safely transition in consult with medical professionals can lower the alarmingly high rate of suicidal thoughts in trans youth.” This presumably refers to a study that Turban co-authored that found that the use of puberty-blockers was associated with lower rates of suicidal ideation. But the study “did not detect a difference in the odds of lifetime or past-year suicide attempts or attempts resulting in hospitalization.” Of course, the study’s design limited its findings (those who succeed in killing themselves are not able to answer retrospective surveys). Alternately, we might expect that those who have been told that they should have been suicidal will remember thinking about suicide more. Regardless, the efficacy of transition as a suicide-prevention measure in children with gender dysphoria remains unproven.
Indeed, the studies that trans advocates cite tend to be full of methodological flaws, from poor response rates to minuscule sample sizes to overreliance on self-reporting. Furthermore, older studies of, say, Swedish adults (mostly men) who were carefully screened before transition can tell us very little about how the explosion of self-diagnosed, rapidly transitioned American teenagers (mostly girls) will play out.
This partly explains why other countries are backing away from rushing children into transition. Earlier this year, Sweden’s Karolinska Hospital announced that it would no longer be “prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender-dysphoric patients under the age of 18” except under carefully controlled research conditions. Meanwhile, the Keira Bell case in Britain ended the prescription of puberty blockers for children younger than 16. Like the U.S., both of these nations have had massive increases in the number of adolescents diagnosed with gender dysphoria, as well as loosely regulated clinics eager to begin medically transitioning these children. Unlike the U.S., these nations are moving toward a more cautious approach, having learned something from the damage done to children who were given body-altering hormones and surgeries by adults too afraid, or too blinded by ideology, to say no.
The case of Keira Bell illustrates the dangers of this approach. She was rushed into transition in adolescence and early adulthood; her regret is mingled with blame for the adults who were more interested in modifying her body than in reconciling her to it.  “As I matured,” she writes, “I recognized that gender dysphoria was a symptom of my overall misery, not its cause.” Bell and the many others who regret transitioning are collateral damage from the hostage-taking of Jennings and other trans activists, whose threats of suicide have stymied efforts to carefully screen patients, even children, before transition.
The harm done in such cases is horrific. For example, when transition begins in childhood, using the Dutch protocol of puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones and surgery, it sterilizes the patient and destroys sexual function. The side effects are still being discovered. And yet it does not actually change the patient’s sex, which is beyond the capabilities of medical science. The biological reality, and there is no way to put it gently, is that Jazz Jennings is a young man who has been castrated and — through the use of chemicals, cosmetic surgery, and cosmetics — made to look like a young woman.
There is no proof that this drastic course of treatment is right for any, let alone all, of the onrush of children claiming to be transgender. Given time, most children diagnosed with gender dysphoria will desist and come to accept their natural bodies. Instead of rushing to affirm transgender identities in children, doctors used to urge patience in treating these (previously rare) cases. The new combination of affirmation-only treatments and a surge of children (many apparently influenced by social contagion and the Internet) claiming to be trans may be catastrophic, a medical disaster on par with the lobotomy craze of the last century. How will all the adolescent girls tripping off to Planned Parenthood for testosterone feel about it a decade or two hence?
These changes in treatment have been driven by activism, not medical science, and they are enforced by fear. Even stalwart progressives who support transgender identities in general are viciously attacked if they mention the growing ranks of those who regret transitioning, or if they suggest a need for more caution before transitioning children. Activists justify stifling discussion by citing the threat of the hostages shooting themselves. If dissent leads kids to suicide, then it must be squashed; if families stand in the way of transition, then they must be broken up.
Such efforts to manufacture and maintain elite consensus can collapse suddenly. We don’t know what may prompt such a shift with regard to transgenderism, but the negative public reception to letting men into women’s spaces and sports is a candidate, as is the mass sterilization of children by doctors adhering to the affirmation-only model of treatment.
We may hope that the radical results of transgender ideology provoke a reconsideration of it. Many who — rightly — want to be compassionate toward those diagnosed with gender dysphoria have been reluctant to challenge the demands of transgender activists. But genuine compassion depends on truth, and the truth is that the claims of transgenderism are fundamentally mystical, even magical, rather than medical.
In a revealing statement, Jennings insists that we listen to trans-identifying children because “they’re more connected to their spirit and to their soul than a lot of adults are.” This reflects the belief — manifest in slogans such as “trans women are women” — that physical transition is simply aligning the body with a higher, truer reality. In this view, the bodily modifications of transition are merely the external manifestations of internal truths about gender identity that even very young children can know, which is why leading LGBT groups assert that there can be transgender toddlers.
But the dangers of transgender ideology were apparent before it began promoting the idea of trans three-year-olds. Transgender dogma denigrates our physical embodiment by treating our bodies as mere material to be sculpted in accord with subjective desires. It demands the remaking of the exterior world, beginning with one’s body and continuing through all of society, to conform to subjective desires. Suicide, which subjectively destroys the world, is the proposed alternative. In other contexts, threatening suicide in order to manipulate others, or encouraging such threats, is recognized as abusive. Why should there be an exception for those encouraging childhood gender transition?
The self-directed hostage-taking in which transgender advocates engage reveals more than they might intend. It presents transgenderism as a compulsive desire that demands an impossible remaking of the world. The compassionate response from men and women of good will must be to develop therapies to mitigate these self-destructive passions, rather than flattering and indulging them.
Nathanael Blake is a postdoctoral fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


What I’ve Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy
Charlie Jacobs /
December 13, 2021
COMMENTARY BY Charlie Jacobs
Charlie Jacobs is the pen name of a California wife and mother of two teenagers. Until recently, she worked part time in a professional capacity, but is now dedicated to educating other parents about how gender ideology can overtake a child.
main region start
My daughter’s story is no longer novel. Stories like it are occurring in your state, your town, and perhaps even on your street. Gender dysphoria—the incongruence between the mind and the body—moves stealthily and quickly to invade girls and boys alike.But this isn’t a cautionary tale. It’s a warning.
My daughter was an ultrafeminine girl since birth. She insisted that her room be painted pink, and she refused to wear anything but dresses until third grade. She avoided her older brother’s toys and sports, choosing tea sets and Shopkins, a series of tiny, collectible toys.
Her favorite activity was to slip into my closet and don my few sparkly clothes and shiniest of heels. She rejected sports in favor of art and sewing.
That all abruptly changed when she turned 12. As her body matured into young womanhood, she stopped begging for a bikini and avoided any clothing that accentuated her figure. She hid her breasts under men’s extra-large sweatshirts.
I remembered doing similar things as my body changed, so I didn’t worry at first.
Then, my daughter immersed herself into anime art and cosplaying, the hobby of dressing like fantastical characters. I supported her creative side.
I didn’t know that anime and cosplaying can overwhelm a young mind. I didn’t know that anime and cosplaying involved gender-bending themes and that the community crosses into pedophilic and sexual themes.
I also didn’t know that the older cosplay community groomed the younger cohorts.
During that same time period, my daughter went through Teen Talk—a Manitoba, Canada-based program that says it provides “youth with accurate, [nonjudgmental] information” on “sexuality, reproductive health, body image, substance use awareness, mental health, issues of diversity, and anti-violence issues”—at her public school.
She came home with a whole new language. She and all her girlfriends discussed their labels—polyamorous, lesbian, pansexual. None of the five girls chose “basic,” their term for a straight girl.
Now, I was worried.
She distanced herself from her old friends and spent more time online. I checked her phone, but I was not astute enough to know that she had set up “appropriate” fake social media accounts for my viewing.
An older girl showed romantic interest in her. I barred that girl from our home.  I learned later that she had molested my daughter.
When my daughter was in the eighth grade, as a Christmas gift, I took her to SacAnime, an anime convention in Sacramento, California. There, she met a girl three years her senior, but light years more mature. That girl mesmerized my daughter with her edginess or magnanimous personality.
The older girl went by “they.” After their meeting, my daughter got a boy’s haircut, stopped shaving, and asked for boys’ underwear. My daughter parroted everything about the older teen.
She started making gross TikTok videos, her language became vulgar, and she redecorated her room to look like a cave. She self-pierced her nose with one of those bull rings. She broke every family rule. She was morphing into an emo-Goth-vampirelike creature.  She was unrecognizable. Her personality descended into anger and rudeness.
The summer before ninth grade, she announced that she was transgender. Post-announcement, she began to threaten suicide. She sunk into deep depression.
I managed to get all of her passwords to all of her social media accounts. What I saw was jaw-dropping.  
Almost everyone that she was conversing with was a stranger, except for the SacAnime friend, who sent her a self-made masturbation video. The discussions on the Discord platform online involved fetishistic sexual conversations. Kids were sending each other erotica, including involving incest and pedophilia.
Older girls were instructing younger girls how to sell nude photos of themselves to men for money.
Girls bragged about their different mental illnesses. They talked about which drugs do what. They talked about how they are really boys, not girls. They discussed “top surgery” (that is, having their breasts removed) and “packers” that create a bulge in one’s pants to imply the presence of a penis.
My daughter’s electronic devices were filled with TikTok videos and YouTubers talking about how great they feel now that they had “transitioned.”
There were messages in which strangers told her to kick my head in because I was a “transphobe” for refusing to call her a male name.
I went nuclear. I took the phone and stripped it of all social media—YouTube, Instagram, Discord, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter. I even blocked her ability to get to the internet. I deleted all of her contacts and changed her phone number.
I sat next to her while she “attended” school online via Zoom. I deleted YouTube from the smart TVs and locked up the remotes. I took every anime book from her room. I threw away all of her costumes. I banned any friend who was even the slightest bit unsavory.
I involved the police about the porn. I printed out the law and informed her that if anyone sent her porn, I would not hesitate to prosecute.
She hated me like an addict hates the person preventing her drug fix. I held my ground, despite the constant verbal abuse.
After going through seven mental health professionals, I found an out-of-state psychiatrist who was willing to examine the causality for my daughter’s sudden trans identity.
I immersed myself in reading everything on the issue, talking to other parents and other professionals. I worked unceasingly to re-create the bond she and I used to share.
After a year and half of utter hell, my daughter is finally returning to her authentic self—a beautiful, artsy, kind and loving daughter.
I am not sure what the actual ingredients for the magic potion were for alleviating gender dysphoria in my daughter. The formula will vary, but what I did was, after a very brief misstep of using a male name, our family and all of the adults in my child’s life only used her birth name and corresponding pronouns.
We did not permit social transition, although we could not control the school setting. Unbelievably, our local Catholic high school refused to follow our edict.
As I mentioned previously, we pulled the plug on all social media and her access to anyone other than those persons we vetted. I forced my daughter to listen to specific podcasts on the subject while driving her to school. I printed out stories about female detransitioners (women who had medicalized, but then regretted their actions and returned to living as a woman) and left them throughout the house.
I left all of my research out in plain view, including “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier, “Gender Dysphoria: A Therapeutic Model for Working With Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults” by Susan Evans, and other books.
I followed the advice of Parents for Ethical Care’s podcasts and the book “Desist, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult” by Maria Keffler.
I worked hard to take back the close relationship my daughter and I had once had. I bit my tongue until it bled. I took her anger and only responded with love or walked away when I knew I would respond poorly.
I caught her in vulnerable moments and hugged her or climbed into her bed. I stopped looking at her as though she were the victim of a scheme or a monster.
I let her know that I would never stop fighting for her.  I let her see my posters from the protests I attended.  I peppered her with questions that demonstrated the illogic of the gender ideology. I happened to have funny gender-critical memes on my computer when she walked into my office. Most importantly, I held my ground. I refused to accept her delusion with compassion.
I know that I have to continue to be tenacious as the gender ideology has crept into every facet of life. But for now, I can breathe a sigh of relief.  

     AH: This article really shows how Satanic the whole anime culture is. Here is the original article.


    A tape from summer 1993 containing a repeating spot voiced by Joey Martin for the Clothesline Factory Outlet, a sale being held that Saturday in celebration of Madoc's 125th anniversary featuring singer Breanne Lawrence. 

1320 CFGM Toronto with an all gold weekend, an in-house documentary on the history of country music, "Country Concert" featuring Connie Smith sponsored by the record department at Towers, female anncr giving time of 10:00, unknown anncr giving time of 2:33, two editions of "Country Concert" featuring Anne Murray and Dolly Parton respectively, partial commercial for Charlie Pride's K-tel album.

1320 CFGM from January 26, 1986 Wayne Matthews on a top ten weekend, 3:15 promoted next week's "Country Concert" lineup, 3:18 Valentine's Day dance at the Blackhawk Motor Inn in support of York Central Hospital featuring Terry Sumption, 4:15 said Brian Barker would be in at 5:00 with the top 20, Bea Arthur for Shopper's Drug Mart 25th anniversary sale, Myrna Lory and Shotgun at the Birchmount, Air Canada, weather forecast, 4:25 commercial for Jamaica tourism, Valentine's Day tea and bake sale at St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Catholic church. Then into weekday programming "Country Concert" featuring Carol Baker.

101.5 The Wolf (CKWF-FM) Peterborough canned promo voiced by Norma Green saying the station would be broadcasting live from Domino's Pizza on Parkhill Road Saturday for United Way. Then into Rock Radio Network unknown anncr backselling songs, sponsored by Molson Canadian. On the other side of the tape, Fly FM (CFLY-FM) Kingston with syndicated program "Oldies Coast to Coast." Then into Kix 104.7 (WKFM-FM) Syracuse unknown anncr with 20 in a row, promo for "Wake Up Service."

99.9 CKFM-FM Toronto from July 31, 1991 unknown anncr 99 Days of Summer with a chance to win a 1992 Chrysler Labairn. Then into "The Quiet Storm" with Lisa Brant in for Lee Marshall, gave time of 7:46 and talked about Rod Stewart's "Vagabond Heart" tour coming to the CNE Stadium August 29 sponsored by the station in association with Molson Canadian and Coca Cola Classic. Commercials for Bell Cellular, Sears Photo, golf tournament in support of CKFM children's fund presented by Simpson's and The Bay. Gave time of 7:57 and played a song for Bill and Sarah who were getting married in September. Commercials Martin Short for Blacks Photography, Public Storage, Ontario Science Centre's Mindworks exhibit. Weather forecast, Lisa Brant solicited stories about how people met their mates, then into eight favourites in a row.

99.9 CKFM-FM Kevin Maclean giving time of 12:16 and taking requests.  

Saturday, December 4, 2021



Jesus is the path of the love that bonds our friendship as we walk holding His hand in peace together down the path that He is leading us. Circumstances may separate us but the love we know and share will still be leading us to where our journey with God really begins when our time on Earth is at His hand and leads us into God's kingdom yet to come. Psalm 91

Jesus loves you,

This I know.

Seek His truth

And his direction will flow.




Truth seekers: the seekers of the power of the truth which is the panoramic view of God's universe that opens your mind to the vision of your soul which carries truth within you. The hunters of the truth about the lies that most believe is the vastness of the complexities that creates and evolves to bring the evolution that creates. We are God's people but also a part of everything else in the vastness of the big picture involving everything around us. We need to learn to see what we are and all that we can be within everything that God creates to evolve.

Spiritual growth is the secret that evil denies by its lies and deceptions that blind us from the true light and our God's greatness. We need to begin to see what our reality really is, not what we have been led into believing reality has become in this world of lies.

A mind set on Jesus will, by the grace of God, be led to the light over the gate of His truth.



Deliverance is freedom, compliance is a trap.

Deliverance is of God's Word in Jesus,, blind compliance is what He was sent to deliver us from. 

Jesus loves us,

This is clear

And sent the Holy Spirit

So we need not fear.

Open your eyes to see

And your ears to hear

So you can embrace the Holy trinity

And keep it near.

For God is God

And Jesus saves

So that the Holy Spirit can raise us

Up from our graves

Into the realm of the truth

That each Christian's soul craves.

If the truth of God's Word angers, frightens or offends you, then what that means is that you needed to hear it because nothing you do will change it.

God's way is the four steps of His wisdom, knowledge, logic, and common sense that, when followed without distraction, can never be wrong.

Following without deception and distraction are the logic and common sense that distractions and deceptions only pretend to virtually be in this world of Satan's way without God's direction and His Son.

The war we are in is for the great reset of the world. Will it be of good or evil? Choices matter.



    Repent and learn to believe and seek the truth no matter how insane it gets because Satan's way is all about, "If it is impossible to believe (in resurrection, virgin births, etc.) then how can you believe it?" 

To believe in God's Spirit of truth means that you have already known the spirit of lies.



    Psalm 104

Oh my God,

What have they done?!

For so long they've blasphemed your name

And denied Your Son.

On Earth as in Your Heaven

Your will be done

To bring us to the place of Your glory

That only by Jesus we will come.

We pray for the blind

The deaf and the dumb

Who will live and will die

In their flesh by their gun.

That Your right hand will reach out

And Your light will reach some.



    Judgment, judgment, judgment

Is Your will to be done

To bring Your people together

Through the power of Your Son.

To remove all evil

And become united as one

Into the power of Your kingdom

That has already won.



    The demons of deceptions

That caused you to fear and comply

Bring you to pray to the ground

And not to the sky.

When you turn from the truth

To follow the lie

Only prayer through God's Jesus

Will give you life when you die.

Jesus is the vaccine against eternal death.


Thursday, November 25, 2021


    2021 Thanksgiving

Visit our Website

Remnant, we want to take the time to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. We pray for the peace and the blessings of our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to be upon you and your families and your households.


The True Story


The Pilgrims



The true story of Thanksgiving is a story of the Pilgrims. We’ll begin with them by saying that they viewed their coming to America as fulfillment of Bible prophecy and themselves as the true children of Israel. This can be seen from the most excellent and accurate history book, known as The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel.

“By now, a farewell sermon had become a tradition, and it was preached by a stalwart young Puritan minister named John Cotton, whose star was also destined to rise over New England. He preached on 2 Samuel 7:10 (KJV): ‘Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as before time.’ Samuel Eliot Morrison put it thus, ‘Cotton’s sermon was of a nature to inspire these new children of Israel with the belief that they were the Lord’s chosen people; destined, if they kept the covenant with Him, to people and fructify this new Canaan in the western wilderness.’”

There is much to the Pilgrim story. Of course, we won’t be able to tell all of it in this publication but before we go further in this writing, let us go to the Scriptures and see what they tell us about these people. I Peter 2:9 (NASV) is not just about those people then, but their descendants now. “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

The story of the Pilgrims is a story about a race of people. What people did the Pilgrims consider themselves to be? History reveals they considered themselves to be the children of Israel. Let’s go to another quote from another proclamation concerning Thanksgiving. As you study the history of Thanksgiving, you’ll find several different proclamations throughout history. This one is a proclamation by Jonathan Trumball, then governor of the English Colony of Connecticut. The date of the proclamation is in 1775  “…that he would inspire the king’s heart with wisdom to discern the true interest of all his people, and make them know what Israel ought to do.”

Notice, that in this proclamation, which we’ve just noted a short, brief quote from, they considered themselves then as Israel. The story of true Thanksgiving is the story of a race. But, it’s also a story of Christianity, not the nonsensical brand of today, known as the Judeo-Christians, or the Judeo-Christian churches. We are talking about the real thing. . It was the real thing that Daniel Webster was talking about in a speech he delivered entitled A Discourse delivered at Plymouth on the 22nd of December, 1820. It’s found in Volume 1, The Works of Daniel Webster dated 1851. This speech was on the occasion of the dedication of a statue of faith on the two hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth.  “Finally, let us not forget the religious character of our origin.

Our fathers were brought hither by their high veneration for their Christian religion. They journeyed by its light and labored by its hope. They sought to incorporate its principles with the element of their society and to diffuse its influence through all their institutions: civil, political or literary. Let us cherish these sentiments and extend this influence still more widely in the full conviction that that is the happiest society which partakes in the highest degree of the mild and peaceful spirit of Christianity.”

It was not a pluralistic melting pot multi-cultural society that they came to establish or that the God of Israel was helping them to establish. It was a Christian society. How can we deny that? Particularly when we read the Mayflower Compact which says: “In the name of God we whose names are unwritten the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord King James by the grace of God by Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, etc., having undertaking for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.”





This is all a story of our roots. As Daniel Webster said, “Let us not forget the religious character of our origin.”

It’s a story of our roots that go back to a race and to Christianity. Thus, this story cannot be told in the humanistic government public schools today, without complaint by the antichrist Jewish ADL or without a lawsuit from the Jewish controlled ACLU. It couldn’t be mentioned by our leaders today, political or religious, because it is not politically correct. It couldn’t be televised with any accuracy, as you couldn’t get any sponsors as it may offend Jews, Buddhists, Satanists, even Judeo-Christians and frankly it may be bad for business.

The acceptable, and we might add, make believe story, goes something like this. White Pilgrims nearly stared their first winter, but they were saved by the Indians, who taught them how to survive, being thankful for their deliverance, by the hand of the Indian, proclaimed a special day of Thanksgiving. One man said of such a story that “it’s superficial to say the least and a a lie at most.” Frankly, it is true that in the fall of October, 1621, the Pilgrims threw a party for the Indians. But that’s not the divine origin of our Thanksgiving; the one we celebrate every last Thursday in November





Let’s talk about the Indian story. The Indian story, for the most part, is that there were no Indians in the area. Why? Because the God of Israel removed them so that He could plant His covenant people, the Israelite Pilgrims, in their place. The Indians did not save them. I take this from the writing by the late Pastor Sheldon Emry.

“Twentieth century subversives, who write much of our present textbooks, and history, try to tell us the English Colony would have perished if it had not been for the noble red man! That is a strange theory, but the truth is even stranger, for there was not one Indian within seventy-five miles of Cape Cod Bay in 1620!

This was wondered at by the Pilgrims, who actually attempted to search out the Indians in hopes of bartering for food. They did not find any. They did find a few caches of dried berries and meat, obviously stored for the now-missing Indians, which they took for themselves and these did prevent the deaths of some who would otherwise have died. But they found no living Indians. 

It was not until several years later that they learned the reason, from other Indians from further away, who slowly moved into the area. We will take the story as told by a Puritan, Captain Edward Johnson, in his Wonder-Working Providence of Sions, Savior in New England, published in 1653:

‘Now let all men know the Admirable acts of Christ for His churches and chosen, are universally over the whole Earth at one and the same time, bur sorry man cannot so discourse of then…And therefore let us…tell of the marvelous doings of Christ preparing for His peoples arrival in the Western World, whereas the Indians report they beheld to their great wonderment that perspicuous bright blazing Comet (this was the celebrated comet of November, 1618, so bright as to be visible in daylight), anon after Sun set it appeared, as they say, in the Southwest, about three houres, continueing in their Horizon for the space of thirty sleepes (for so they recon their dayes) after which uncouth sight they expected some strange things to follow…which he now tell.) The Summer after the blazing Starre (whose motion in the Heavens was from East to West, pointing out to the sons of men the progress of the glorious Gospell of Christ, the glorious King of His Churches) even about the yeare 1618 a little before the removeall of that Church of Christ from Holland to Plimoth in New England, as the ancient Indians report, there befell a great mortality among them, the greatest that ever the member of father to some tooke notice of, chiefly desolating those places where the English afterward planted. By this meanes Christ (whose great and gloious works the Earth throughout are altogether for the benefit of His Churches and chosen) not onely made roome for His people to plant; but also tamed the hard and cruell hearts of these barbarous Indians, insomuch that halfe a handful of His people landing not long after in Plimoth Plantation, found little resistance.’ (Old spelling kept)

The antichrists may scoff, may beguile us to forget, but it is certainly a miracle, and who but by God that no hostile or savage Indian was left alive in the land to which God had driven the little Mayflower. Only after they had been firmly planted, and had grown from their first weakness, did the Indians return, and then they mostly looked on these strange white men with awe, as their primitive minds made connection between the comet, the plague and the sudden arrival of these Christians.”





So. Who saved them from starvation? Now that we’ve established, according to history, there weren’t any Indians, that they were removed by the hand of the God of Israel, so He could plant His little colony of Pilgrims there, who then saved them from starvation if the Indians did not? 

The answer is their great God and King Jesus Christ, their Saviour, saved them time and time again.

One time He used not Indians, but rather an Indian. An Indian named Squanto. That God glorifying story is superbly told by David Manuel and Peter Marshall in their history book, The Light and the Glory on pages 130, 131 and 133.

Basically, the story goes something like this:

After the Pilgrims were settling in, one day an Indian came walking into camp and he said, “welcome. You got any beer?” Now, that might sound like a make-believe story, but you’ll find out that it’s the true story. This quote is taken from page 129:

“’Welcome!’ he suddenly boomed in a deep, resonant voice. The Pilgrims were too startled to speak. At length, they replied with as much gravity as they could muster: ‘Welcome’. Their visitor fixed them with a piercing stare. ‘Have you got any beer?’, he asked them in his flawless English.”






As this history goes on to tell, the next day this Indian brought another Indian with him and he too spoke flawless English. His name was Squanto. On page 130 of The Light and the Glory, referring to Squanto, the book states:

“The extraordinary chain of ‘coincidences’ in this man’s life is in its own way no less extraordinary than the saga of Joseph’s being sold into slavery in Egypt. Indeed, in ensuing months, there was not a doubt in any of their hearts that Squanto, whose Indian name was Tisquantum was a God send. His story really began in 1605, when Squanto and four other Indians were taken captive by Captain George Weymouth, who was exploring the New England coast at the behest of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. The Indians were taken to England, where they were taught English, so the Gorges could question them as to what tribes populated New England.”

The story goes on to tell that Squanto was of the Patuxets Indian tribe. According to The Light and the Glory they were “a large, hostile tribe who had barbarously murdered every white man who had landed on their shores. 





But, four years prior to the Pilgrim’s arrival, a mysterious plague had broken out among them, killing every man, woman and child. So complete was the devastation that the neighboring tribes had shunned the area ever since, convinced that some great, supernatural spirit had destroyed the Patuxets. Hence the cleared land on which they had settled literally belongs to no one! Their nearest neighbors, said Samoset, were the Wampanoags, some fifty miles to the southwest. These Indians numbered about sixty warriors.”

Now, according to the story, Squanto made his way back, but when he got home, there was no home! His people were all wiped out. Going on in the story in The Light and the Glory on page 131:

 “When Squanto stepped ashore

six months before the Pilgrims arrived, he received the most tragic blow of this life: not a man, woman, or child of his tribe was left alive! Nothing but skulls and bones and ruined dwellings remained.”

Squanto had no place to go. He found the Pilgrims and according to The Light and the Glory,

“the Pilgrims cast a baleful eye on their amazing friend, who seemed to have adopted them.”

What took place, was Squanto, who spoke flawless English, taught them how to plant corn, how to trap beaver, how to catch fish coming up into the streams. So you see, the story is not, “the Indians saved Pilgrims”, the story is “God saved the Pilgrims by using an Indian who was taken into slavery years before and returned to the New England Colony area.”

As a result, in the fall of 1621, October to be precise, the Indians were invited to a party by the Pilgrims. It was a party of thanksgiving.  There was a thanksgiving that took place at that time, but, going on with this story, let’s now go to the origin of the Thanksgiving that we celebrate, not in October but in November.


Origin of Thanksgiving

We Honor 



This Thanksgiving goes back to the words of William Bradford, the governor of the Pilgrim Colony, in his proclamation of thanksgiving:

“Inasmuch as the Great Father has given us this year an abundant harvest of Indian corn, wheat, beans, squashes and garden vegetables, and has made the forest to abound with game, and the sea with fish and dams, and inasmuch that He protected us from the ravages of the savages, has spared us from the pestilence and disease, has granted us freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience, now I, your magistrate, do proclaim that all ye Pilgrims with your wives and little ones, do gather at ye meeting house on ye hill between the hours of nine and twelve in the day time on Thursday, November ye twenty-ninth, of the year of our Lord one thousand, six hundred twenty-three and the third year since ye Pilgrims landed on ye Pilgrim rock. There to listen to ye pastor and render thanksgiving to ye Almighty God for all His blessings. 


William Bradford, governor.”

Notice, this is three years after they landed. This is the proclamation on the last Thursday of November of 1623.

 What brought about this proclamation?

 To answer that, we can say:

 1) A life-saving, Christ-magnifying miracle that was so awesome that it caused them, in November of 1623, to celebrate with a day of thanksgiving.

 2) The God ordained, forced conversion from Socialism-Communism, (today we call it New World Order -ism or Globalism), to God’s Kingdom system of private property and the laborer keeping the fruits of his labor.

 William Bradford was the governor of Plymouth Colony. It was he who wrote a history of the early days of the Pilgrims. That history has come down to us in his work called The Plymouth Plantation. Frankly, it’s the only eye-witness account that we have and most of our knowledge of the Pilgrims come from that work. To understand the first Thanksgiving, i.e., the one that we keep in November, one needs to understand the historical background of the world that existed back in the 1620’s.


A typical serf would work three days on his lord’s farm, three more days on a village communal farm, and then was allowed to attend church on Sunday. Feudalism and Communism existed side by side throughout Europe. England was the only country where this system was being challenged. The ventured Capitalist who had backed the Pilgrims in their coming to America, compelled them to adopt this Communism as their economic system. When they arrived in the New World, that’s what they had to follow.

By early 1623, about two and a half years under this system, the Pilgrims literally faced famine. Bradford compared this with the famine during the time of Jacob in the Bible. Desperate and at the end of their meager resources, they demanded as particular individuals their right to the produce of their own labors. Edward Eggleston said in his book, The Beginners of a Nation, dated 1896:

“After two years of labor in common had brought the colony more than once to the verge of ruin, Bradford had the courage and wisdom to cut the knot he could not untie. During this scarce springtime of 1623, he assigned all the detached persons in the colony to live with families and then temporarily divided the ancient Indian field on which the settlement had been made among the several families in proportion to their number, leaving every household to shift for itself or suffer want.”

In The Light and the Glory, William Bradford is quoted as saying on page 141:

“…it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field and took their little ones with them to set corn, which before would allege weakness and inability, whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.”

 Governor Bradford is describing the effect of leaving their communal Communism and going to God’s Kingdom economics. After they made the change, Edward Eggleston put it this way. He said:

“Any general want or suffering hath not among them since to this day.”

Years later he wrote:

“The assignment was a revolutionary stroke, in violation of the contract with the shareholders, in contrary to their wishes. But Bradford saw that it was a life and death necessity to be rid of the pernicious system, even at the cost of cutting off all support from England. In his history, he draws a very clear picture of the evils of communism as he had observed them.”

(In our thirteen part series of messages entitled The Unseen War, available in book form or on CD from Scriptures for America, PO Box 766, LaPorte, Colorado 80535 for a $70.00 offering), we pointed out that according to Scripture, they are the cursed people. They make great merchants, great bankers, so forth, but they, according to the Bible, are cut off from the face of God and cut off from the face of the land. So, their survival is one of a parasitic survival. Thus, they need and do promote Communism/Socialism. Since this word has become antiquated as we’re told that it has died, we’ll use the tern New World Order-ism or Neo-Communist or One World government. Here is a quote that’s taken from the Jewish Review in London, March/June issue 1934, page 29 and 30 by Dr. James Park:

 “It is not accident which has made Jews form so long a proportion of Socialist leaders.”

(You see, some people cannot survive by God’s Kingdom economics. They must have what we call man’s system of communal Socialism.)

Back to the story….

In that year, they made the change to private enterprise. Something else happened that year also. What happened next put the Pilgrims in a position that God often puts His people in/ where the only way they could survive was by faith.

...behold; and afterwards the Lord sent them shuch seasonable showers, with enterchange of faire warme weather, as, through his blessing, caused a fruitfull and liberall harvest, to their no small comforte and rejoyceing. For which mercie (in time conveniente) they also sett aparte a day of thanksgiveing. This being overslept in its place, I thought meet here to inserte ye same…”

 (The above excerpts are from the original manuscript from 1647 [1901 Edition]).

 It came about when they changed from communal Socialism to God’s Kingdom economics of a man keeping the fruits of his own labor. And it came about by the Heavenly Father bringing upon them a sore trial, forcing them to their knees in humiliation and prayer. When we see trials on the horizon looming, let us not fear, but let us rejoice that our God knows how to push down on the stiff necks of his Israelite people and force them to their knees, and force them to bow their heads in humiliation and prayer and beseech Him once again through faith. Faith that only they have, and not their cursed enemies, asking for help.

 The Light and the Glory reports this story:

 “Whatever may have brought on the drought, the sincere and deep repentance of each and every Pilgrim had a phenomenal effect.

Winslow writes:

 ‘But, O the mercy of our God, who was as ready to hear, as we were to ask! For though in the morning, when we assembled together, the heavens were as clear and the drought as like to continue as it ever was, yet (our exercise continuing some eight or nine hours) before our departure, the weather was overcast, the clouds gathered on all sides. On the next morning distilled such soft, sweet and moderate showers of rain, continuing some fourteen days and mixed with such seasonable weather, as it was hard to say whether our withered corn or dropping affections were most quickened or revived, such was the bounty and goodness of our God!’

Bradford says:

‘…It came, without either wind or thunder, or any violence, and by degrees in that abundance as that the earth was thoroughly wet and soaked therewith; which did so apparently revive and quicken the decayed corn and toher fruits, as was wonderful to see and made the Indians astonished to behold…’

It had to have had a profound effect on the Indians! For while their own rain dances or the incantations of their medicine men did sometimes seem to have some effect, it is interesting to note the result, as Winslow comments:

‘…and all of them admired the goodness of our God towards us, that wrought so great a change in so short a time, showing the difference between their conjuration and our invocation on the name of God for rain, theirs being mixed with such storms and tempests, as some times, instead of doing them good, it layeth the corn flat on the ground, to their prejudice, but ours in so gentle and seasonable a manner, as they never observed the like.’

There are only two origins of supernatural phenomena, and as the Pilgrims might have said, ‘the proof of he pudding is in the eating.’

The yield that year was so abundant that the Pilgrims ended up with a surplus of 

corn, which they were able to use in trading that winter with northern Indians, who had not had a good growing season. A second day of Thanksgiving was planned, and this year there was even more reason to celebrate: their beloved Governor was to marry one Alice Southworth.”



Remnant, click below to listen to

Pastor Peter's Thanksgiving Messages.

#109 Thanksgiving in America

        #435 Biblical and Historical Thoughts on Thanksgiving

#717 Thanksgiving: The True Story





Again, this is another witness as to the origin of our Thanksgiving. It gives the true story; the story of the Thanksgiving that we keep today. A story that is not politically correct and thus, our leaders who are political in nature, dare not stand upon it. A story that is not acceptable to our antichrist enemies, who presently have control of the media. A story which the antichrist ADL would not want told. A story which the Jewish controlled ACLU would prevent with a lawsuit. And, it’s a story that most cannot tell because they’ve never heard it. They’ve never heard the true story of Thanksgiving.

The late Pastor Sheldon Emry wrote it this way:

“If we have believed and I believe rightly so, the events so far related came about by the guiding hand of God, would it not follow that God also caused the heat to almost destroy their crops, that they might seek the Lord by humble and fervent prayer? And then answer that prayer with just the right temperature to provide to them their so far most beautiful and bountiful harvest. Is it so far beyond the realm of Christian reason but to believe that God’s purpose was to cause them to proclaim a day of Thanksgiving? That it was done and following such unique and marvelous events should serve as greater proof than any argument I might offer.”

In conclusion, fellow Israelites, that is the story of Thanksgiving. Not the politically correct Judaized lie told to our children in the humanistic, Christless indoctrination centers called “public school.” But, it is the true story, a story of Christian faith (and I might add, Christian faith only). A story of the miraculous and providential hand of God, shepherding and protecting His people, the lost sheep of the House of Israel. A story of the dismal failure of Judaized, Socialistic Communism that cursed men bring upon us in their attempt to parasitically live off of us, versus the success of God’s Kingdom economics of a man keeping the fruits of his labor. A story of a race of people, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and Kindred people, coming to America by the hand of God, who were Israelites and whose descendants today are Israel.

We pray that they might once again, know who they are and be thankful. Be thankful for who they are, and for what their God has done for them and their forefathers. Knowing that He is ready to hear them again, if they but humble themselves and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.

We are thankful to be able to tell you the story and thankful for those of you who have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to feel the significance of this true Thanksgiving story.

May we be found as a thankful people this day and all the days of the life that He gives us. Amen.

Scriptures For America | PO BOX 766, LaPorte, CO 80535 307-742-7582

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


        This video gives an overview of the tyranny that once free country is now experiencing. 

Monday, November 22, 2021


This time we have more episodes of "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" from the winter and spring of 1998, broadcast over CBC affiliate CKWS-TV Kingston.

This Hour Has 22 Minutes January 26, 1998

Break 1: Trimarc, Chevy Grand Prix, Investor's Group, Yellow Pages, "The Fifth Estate" What Happened to Hamilton's Green Dream?

Break 2: commercial trailer for "Deep Rising", Ultamira, Sprint Canada

Break 3:  Honda Accord, Robatusen, Toyota Forerunner, Sub-way, promo "Twitch City"

This Hour Has 22 Minutes March 23, 1998

Break 1: Dove, Subaru, AT&T Canada, promo "More Tears"

Break 2: Home Hardware, Labatt Blue, Volkswagen Jetta, Harvey's

Break 3: commercial trailer for "Mercury Rising", Chevy Malibu, TD Bank, Red Lobster, promo for "White Lies"

This Hour Has 22 Minutes March 30, 1998

Break 1: "In and Out" on home video, butter, Nytol, Cooperators, promo for "More Tears"

Break 2: Chevy Cavalier, commercial trailer for "Mercury Rising", promo "The Fifth Estate", promo "Marketplace" dental fraud, promo Thursday night specials.

Break 3: Tim Hortons roll up the rim, Honda, Labatt Blue Light

Between programs, promo "The Fifth Estate" Wrongly convicted.

This was followed by the premier episode of "More Tears."

After "More Tears" promo for "The National" up next, promo "The Fifth Estate" Wrongly convicted, promo "Guiding Light" on CKWS.

This was followed by the opening of "The National", anchored by, of course, Peter Mansbridge.



Here, in this article, from a secular publication and written by a woman who has been there, is a pretty good summation of why the particular form of fornication commonly called friends with benefits doesn't work. 


This time, we go a little further back to a couple hours of programming from Ottawa's CTV affiliate, CJOH-TV from January 20, 1995.

Cheers rerun

Break 1 )partial): The tape begins with a commercial for "Kickin Country 2" voiced by the late CITY-TV staff announcer Mark Dailey and a news teaser.

Break 2: PB Max (comes with "Page Master" tatoos and story book, Shake 'n Bake Perfect Potatoes local spot Colonial Furniture, Ottawa 67s

Break 3: local spot Allard's Collision Centres, Nice and Easy, Lotto 649, Leon's, promo "Mid-day Newsline" ethics of broadcasting the Canadian Airborn Regiment video.

Over the closing credits, anncr promoting the showing of "Lockup" on CTV that night and "Roseanne" coming up next.

Between programs, the Heritage Minute about the Irish orphans being allowed to keep their Irish names and news teaser.

Roseanne rerun

Break 1: Pilsbury crescent rolls, "The Mask" on home video

Break 2: Wendy's, Lens Crafters, Over Under

Between programs, CJOH-TV Winterfest contest (voiced by staff announcer and meteorologist J. J. Clark), news teaser, Kraft Alfredo Accent cheese, Shoppers Drug Mart cosmetics club, St. Hubert's, promo "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy."

Newsline with Carol Anne Meehan and Max Keeping

Segment 1





There followed some previews of upcoming stories, then J. J. Clark with weather teaser. At the end of it, Clark thought he was throwing back to Carolann but it was actually Max who was reading the next story.

Streeter: What social plans would you be willing to see cut in the name of deficit reduction?






("Newsline" also available on 580 CFRA.)

Break 1: STN, The Brick, Cantel Amigo




business report

weather forecast (wake up weather watchers Erin Carter and Betsy Powers)

upcoming BBS (CTV) news special, interview Ontario premier Bob Ray

promo "Sunday Edition" Canada's Cancer Capital.

Break 2: Ottawa 67s, promo "Babylon 5", President's Choice, Instant Bingo

Profile of Courtney Miller, model discovered at Cornwall mall.

David Ompreg interviewed about Prime Minister Chretien's trade mission to South America.

Teaser for tomorrow night's "Regional Conact": getting fit, oil lamp collector in Manitik, Hull artist Gay Pierre.                

Break 3: Lens Crafters, Pedegree, "Homegrown Cafe" audience sweepstakes, local spot Golf Arena in Hull

Sports with Brian Smith: NHL returns after lockout, Carolyn Waldo KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT, Ottawa Roughrider ticket campaign (including three-hour special on sister station CHRO), commentary on Sens inter-squad game

"CTV News" teaser: can Canada's smaller NHL franchises survive?

Break 4: Orville Redenbacher, local spot Colonial Furniture, local spot Olympic Ski Shop (voiced by J. J. Clark), Saturn, Shake 'n Bake Perfect Potatoes


Newsline Happiness File (voiced by J. J. Clark): This was (is?) a list of birthdays and anniversaries. I only ever remember it airing on Fridays near the end of the newscast. The birthdays and anniversaries were notable because of the age of the people and the lengths of the marriages. I will list all the towns mentioned to give an idea of CJOH's reach: Perth, Carlton Place, Coe Hill, Flinton, Belleville, Armprier, Grighton, Nepean, Cornwall, Hull, Jasper, Campbell's Bay, Toledo (not Ohio), Alexandria, Crysler, Orleans, Irriquois, Gracefield, Vanier, Ottawa.

Break 5: Winterfest contest, local spot Lallier Honda





Mention of sleigh rides at Happy Trails riding stable Sunday.

Max Keeping mentioned he'd be at opening of flea market and factory outlet in Cornwall the following afternoon. It was a CHEO day.

Closing pictures of nature.

Station mailing address and phone number. They're also on the internet.

Between programs, Neocitran, "Kiss of the Spider Woman" at National Arts Centre, Sears, promo for "Oprah" making viewer's dreams come true.

The tape ended with the first few minutes of "Wheel of Fortune."


Despite lies and propaganda to the contrary coming from both the church and the world, viewing pornography does not improve or save marriages in any way: it only wrecks them.      details this fact and the solutions to dealing with one's or one's spouses porn problem.

I would emphasize the ultimate acountability partner is that friend who sticks closer than a brother, Jesus Christ. I also have my personal reservations about the software programs mentioned herein, but every individual and couple needs to do as the Lord wills. 


 This time, we have the national edition of "Canada Tonight" from September 24, 1999, anchored by Tony Parsons. This was broadcast on Hamilton's CHCH-TV, then calling itself ONTV and broadcast nationally over the stations owned by WIC, Western International Communications.

Segment 1:









Break 1: CHFI Don and Erin vacation contest, Eaton's store closing liquidation sale, Welch's grape juice, Lazy-Boy Furniture Galleries, promo "Peter Benchley's Amazon."







Break 2: promo for "JAG", B-mop, Petsmart, The Brick

Segment 3

Squire Barnes Satellite Debris: man who eats worms, mice basketball, Nike and Diesel Jeans ads, dog races, car race where driver has bag over head

Between programs, promo for "Providence", KFC, commercial trailer for "Elmo in Grouchland", Schnider's, Ontario Ford and Mercury dealers

Hollywood Squares

Break 1: Ontario Ford and Mercury dealers, Welch's grape juice, Casino Rama, Weight Watchers, Report on Business Television, promo "Peter Benchley's Amazon", promo "Now and Again"

Break 2: Heritage Minute about the Bluenose, Saturn L Series, Hamburger Helper, Tim Hortons

Break 3 (partial): CIBC, Arby's

And, it turns out, my sister used the rest of the tape again, because we have more of The Life Network. There was some "Pet Project" followed by "The Gentle Doctor."

Saturday, November 20, 2021


            True love: the gift from God to a man and a woman bonding together in marriage to become all that they can become as one in the naturallity of what true love is, as Jesus tells us in His life and death and life again, as we become in marriage dead to who we were into a life as one together, seeding and cultivating the fruits of our purpose.



        The big picture that you begin to see with opening eyes makes COVID-19 look like nothing more than a speck of dust on the canvas of the heavens, not in reality a part of the big picture but only lying on it like telling a lie till God's timing sweeps it away.

There seems to be a whole lot more going on than what we see and hear in our flesh.

Lord, I do not need a phone to reach You because You are always there. I do not need an appointment because You are always there. Thank You Lord for without Your light I would be alone. Lord, hear my prayer.

Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that the tormentors who torment our children are being removed.

Fear does not save you, courage does.

I pray, Our Lord, that the awakening that is happening on earth is quickly seen for what it is: that is, Your glory and grace that brings us together to form your unstoppable army that stands against the evil that wants to destroy us. The walls of Jericho are about to fall again. The offended angels are about to destroy them. In Jesus name we pray, amen.



                Learn to seek the one of the three,

Who are the three that are one,

The messenger in God's truth,

In God's Word is God's Son. 

- - -

The meaning of Jesus,

God's only begotten son,

The judgment of unity,

Into the three that are one.

Evil, by God's grace, 

Will soon be gone,

The judgment of man's kinds

Will soon be done.

Only the wicked will fall

Because God's already won.

- - -

Judgment, judgment,

From which only Christ can save,

By the grace of His Father,

Who raised Him from the grave.

- - -

Do you love yourself more than God or do you love yourself because of God?


Friday, November 19, 2021


This time we've got a tape that's one of my favourites. It's a recording of CBC's Friday night primetime lineup from March 3, 2000, broadcast over CBC Montreal. Our local cable company added this channel for a couple years because it had the full slate of CBC programming, unlike the two private CBC affiliates we received, CKWS-TV Kingston and CHEX-TV Peterborough.


Later, we'll learn neat things can be discovered twenty years after letting your sister borrow your tape.

The Thin Blue Line        

Break: Honda Civic, Bell, Cardinal Leger, Ford Focus (voiced by Stephanie Morganstern?), promo "Dooley Gardens" 

Over the closing credits, a promo for "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story."

Dooley Gardens

Break 1:, promo "The National", promo "The Bette Show"

Break 2: promo "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story", promo "CBC Montreal Newswatch" should women be paid for donating their eggs, promo "Undercurrents" the music industry's dirty little secret, "The Gin Game" at the Centaur Theatre

Break 3: Lipton Sidekicks, Saturn L Series, promo "Royal Canadian Air Farce", promo "Hockey Night in Canada: Leafs-Habs, Canuks-Devils."

Between programs, promo "The Magazine" with Brian Stewart, Re/Max, Honda Acura, Colgate Total, local spot Bureau en Gros, cheddar cheese, CBC Montreal "Newswatch" Making Babies

Royal Canadian Air Farce

Break 1: Tim Hortons featuring Shorty Jenkins, Listerine, promo CBC Radio One 88.5, promo CBC Montreal "Newswatch" should women be paid for their eggs, Premium Plus crackers, promo "The National"

Break 2: promo "Hockey Night in Canada" same games as above, Robin's Doughnuts, Subaru Outback, Polydent, promo "Marketplace" fire extinguishers, Saturn L Series, Milkfuls, promo "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story"

Between programs, promo "The Red Green Show", promo "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story", Tim Hortons roll up the rim, local spot Bureau en Gros, promo CBC Montreal "Newswatch" Making Babies                

The Red Green Show

Break 1: Robin's Doughnuts, Preparation H, CentrumMoore's, weather update with Patti Kim, promo "The National", promo "The bette Show"

Break 2: promo "Twitch City" season 2, metal roofing, Dryel, local spot Montreal Association for the Blind

Break 3: Ford Focus, Old El Paso, Lipton Sidekicks, Chevy Cavalier, Pilsbury Grand cinnamon rolls, promo "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story", promo "Undercurrents" the music industry's dirty little secret

Between programs, promo "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story", promo CBC Montreal "Newswatch" Making Babies

This Hour Has 22 Minutes (rebroadcast of 02/28 episode)

Break 1: Ford Taurus, Mr. Sub, The Gin Game at the Centaur Theatre, promo CBC Radio One, promo CBC Montreal "Newswatch" should women be paid for donating their eggs, promo "The National", promo "Hockey Night in Canada" same as above

Break 2: promo "Twitch City" season 2, Clubhouse, promo CBC Radio One, promo CBC Montreal "Newswatch" same as above, promo "Life and Times" Lucy Maud Montgomery, Arm & Hammer Dental Care gum, local spot Buffet Maharaja, promo Juneau Awards hosted by The Moffats

Break 3: Ford Focus, local spot Bureau en Gros, Re/Max, Rogers ATandT wireless, promo "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story", promo "The Bette Show"

The Bette Show

Break 1: Oldsmobile Alero, Advil, promo "Hockey Night in Canada" same as above, promo "Undercurrents" same as above

Break 2: promo "Twitch City" season 2, commercial trailer "An Extremely Goofy Movie", Chevrolet guitar giveaway

Break 3: Treasure Tower cd-ROM lottery game from Lotto Quebec, Cardinal Leger, promo "Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story", promo "Wind at my Back"

Promo "The National" with Ben Chen, promo CBC Montreal "Newswatch" same as above, promo "Hockey Night in Canada" same as above, The Gin Game at the Centaur Theatre, Cardinal Leger, Bell

There folowed on the tape an episode of "Pokimon" broadcast on YTV March 10.

Break 1: Nerf Wildfire, Tonka, promo "Batman Beyond"                

Break 2: Kelly's Pop-up Playhouse, Kix, Nerf Tripple Strike, promo for "Power Puff Girls", promo "Big Wolf on Campus"

Break 3: commercial trailer for "Jacob Two-two Meets the Hooded Fang", Play-doh, promo for "Freaky Stories"

After "Pokimon", there was a breef clip of The Zone.

After that, there were some excerpts from a show about training and taking care of dogs and cats, possibly "Pet Project", broadcast on Life Network, now called Slice.

Break (partial): Purina Max

Break (Partial): promo for "Gorumet on the Go" Canada's first online interactive cooking show

Whatever the title of the show, it was followed by "Pet Friends."

Break 1 (partial): Pampers Baby-Dry, Covergirl


Even before I got saved I stopped believing the widely held view that man started out primitive, as cavemen, and got better and better. This article presents an interesting case of a people for whom this traditional view was found not to apply and provides some answers for Christians seeking answers to challenges about creation. 


For our next tape, we have two specials from that great Canadian comedy team, Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster: "The First Hundred Years" and "More Master Shtick Theatre." 

This was recorded off Kingston's then CBC affiliate CKWS-TV on April 9, 2000.

The First Hundred Years

Break 1: Head and Shoulders, Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace on home video, Pampers (featuring Rod Stewart's "Forever Young"), Listerine, Medimussel, Shirriff, Kinder Surprise, Alpha Hydrox


Break 2: cheddar cheese, Olay, Purex Advanced,Sub-way, promo "Kin's Big Money Bingo" temporarily moving to 11:00 a.m. Saturdays due to Stanley Cup playoffs (voiced by Jim Elliot), promo "Sunday Report" with Alison Smith, promo "Undercurrents" about public opinion polls

Break 3: the Phantom Lightning vacuum cleaner, Saturn L series, ACDelco, promo "This Hour Has 22 Minutes", promo "The Nature of Things" Race for the Future Part II

Break 4: Canadian Blood Services, Polident, Tetley tea, GM Paris in Brockville (voiced by Jim Elliot), Home Hardware, promo "National Aboriginal Achievement Awards", promo "The National" origins of the grants for the fedeeral job creation program, promo "Labatt Blue Jay's Baseball" Jays versus Yankies


More Master Shtick Theatre

Break 1: Cascade, AOL Canada, Tide, Subaru Forester, Iams, Lactantia, Duracell, Oral-B, Minute Made

Break 2: promo "The National", Febreze, psa about depression, Turf Builder

Break 3: Always Ultra, RBC Insurance, Brita, Tilex Fresh Shower, promo "Hockey Night in Canada."

Break 4: Pathfinder, Colgate Total, Riveredge Resort, psa about seniors and falls

Thursday, November 18, 2021


       The second tape from my collection consists of "Air Farce" and "22 Minutes" from December 8, 1997, broadcast over CBC's then Kingston affiliate CKWS-TV.

Prior to "Air Farce" there was a promo for "The Simpsons" then rerun on CBC every weekday at 5:00.

Royal Canadian Air Farce rebroadcast of 12/5 show

Break 1: Molson Mixer Pack, Star Choice, St. Lawrence Pools Kingston and Belleville (voiced by Ray Bergstrom), Bell Phone Centre, Campbell's Broth, CKWS reporters briefcase for news tips (voiced by Ray Bergstrom)

Break 2:   Ontario Instant Millions, Kokanee, Scumbuster, Energizer, promo for "On the Road Again" (incidentally parodied in segment 1)

This Hour Has 22 Minutes (clip show of season 5 thus far) December 8, 1997

Break 1: commercial trailer for "As Good as it Gets", extra-strength Aspirin, promo for "The Fifth Estate" A Lawyer Undisciplined

Break 2: commercial trailer for "For Richer or Poorer" starring Tim Allen, Advil, air miles cards -that can be used in stores, Intel, promo for "Comics" with The Vestibules coming up next

Break 3: Magic Bag, Instant Holiday Gift Pack, promo for "Director's Cut" a special about the Genie Awards

There followed the opening of the aforementioned episode of "Comics" with The Vestibules.


    Several weeks ago I was out running errands when I ran into a book sale at the library. Among my purchases, I bought volumes 2-4 of "The Dead Dog Cafe Comedy Hour", a fifteen-minute satirical comedy show that aired on CBC Radio in the late nineties and early 2000s.

At the time it was broadcast, I had caught a couple episodes and didn't really get it. My roommate at the school I attended as a teenager didn't like it because he thought it was two Indians beating up the white guy, whereas my other friend at the school loved it and found it really funny. 

Having started to listen to the program since subsequently borrowing volume 1 from the library, I see the humour of the show coming mainly from the dichotomy between reserve and urban natives and the tension between tradition and the conveniences of the modern world, not really excoriating white people at all.


Plus, I was laughing out loud from the first episode and that, in the end, is what matters.

Check "Dead Dog Cafe" out from your local public library.


When I was a teenager, I went away to a school for the blind and, during the week, my family would tape shows for me. Just as I have done previously with other people's videos I've gotten from the thrift shop, I will now go through my own collection of home recorded videotapes, in no particular order, and list the contents thereon.

 I would like to thank my mother, sister and late father for recording all this stuff for me.

This time, we have some "Air Farce" and "22 Minutes" from late 1997 and early 1998, recorded off Kingston, Ontario's then CBC affiliate CKWS-TV.

Royal Canadian Air Farce rebroadcast of 11/28 episode (12/01/1997

Break 1: Sprint Canada, Pampers Baby-Dry, Ivory, Hershey's Chocolate Shop Smith's Falls (voiced by Jim Elliot), Pontiac Sunfire, Black and Decker bread maker

Break 2: Our Compliments, Cataraqui Town Centre, the SnakeLight Mini, CKWS reporters breefcase for news tips (voiced by Ray Bergstrom), promo for "On the Road Again"

This Hour Has 22 Minutes 100th Episode Special (January 12, 1998)


Break 1: United Food and Commercial Workers union (concerning the Maple Leaf Foods strike), Honda, Century 21, Altamira

Break 2: Pontiac, Tim Hortons, Dristan, Sprint Canada, promo for "Twitch City"

Break 3: Lettuce Knife and Bakeware Buddy, Easywrap, MatchMaker from Bank of Montreal, Lipton SoupWorks, promo for "Wind at my Back", promo for their brand-new website 

Break 4: Phazyme, Nytol, TD Bank, promo for "Black Harbour", promo for "The Sleep Room"

Break 5: Peter Jordan's Japanese Adventure Sweepstakes from Sub-way, promo for "Traders", promo "Market Place" on ozonators, promo "The Fifth Estate" The Horrors of the Sleep Room, promo "Venture" Robert Compeau

This Hour Has 22 Minutes January 19, 1998

Break 1: commercial trailer for "Blues Brothers 2000", Kokanee, Yellow Pages, promo "The Fifth Estate" Inside the Smoke Ring 

Break 2: Honda Civic, Trimark Investments

Break 3: Robitussin, Centrum, Chevy Grand Prix, Sub-way, promo for "Twitch City"  


Between programs, there was a promo for "Marketplace" on school bus safety and a promo for "Inside Edition" on CKWS featuring Deborah Norville.

There followed the first few minutes of the premier episode of "Twitch City."

Break 1: Phazyme, commercial trailer for "Deep Rising", Sensodyne


This movie tells a story and does an OK job of it, but it's missing one crucial element. Namely, there's no single character whose personal story truly becomes part of the narrative. At the beginning, it looks like the film will be about Britton Davis's coming-of-age through the subsequent events, but "Geronimo" never really delivers on that. Either doing so or telling the story from another character's perspective might have made this picture more successful. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Came across a tape of "Helen of Troy" recorded off A&E December 17-18, 2003. The series had originally aired earlier that year on USA Network.

Part One

Break 1: Campbell's Select, Icy Hot, Nyquil, Lindor truffles, Sears, "The John Oakley Show" on Mojo Radio AM 640, promo for that nights A&E "Biography" of Jimmy Stewart.

 Break 2: promo for "Cold Case Files", Pam, commercial trailer for "Cold Mountain", Swiffer, Dell (with free cd burner), Plavix

Break 3: Gateway Electronics, Bon jovi "This Left Feels Right", promo for "Human Cargo" on CBC

Break 4: promo for "House of Dreams", Wahl Trim N Vac, Ionic Breeze Quadra from Sharper Image 

Break 5: promo for "Airline", AOL 9.0 (on disc), Home Harmony air purifier, promo for "Tech Books" on Book Television, Rogers On Demand

Break 6: promo for "American Justice", The Scooter Store, Eagles "The Very Best Of"

Break 7: promo for "Biography" special "The Unknown Jesus", Disney Cruise Lines Magical Gatherings, trailer for "Big Fish"

Break 8: MSN TV, Mpix

Break 9 (over closing credits): promo for "Biography" featuring celebrities including John Goodman, Candice Bergen and Martin Sheen, promo for "Third Watch" reruns

Part Two

Break 1: 97.3 Easy Rock Toronto, 92.5 Jack FM Toronto, promo for "Biography" of Santa Clause

Break 2: Kraft Singles

Break 3:,


Break 4: promo for that night's A&E primetime lineup, MuchVibe, promo for "The History of God"

Break 5: Earthlink, National Collector's Mint

Break 6: Liquid Lens

Break 7: Roni Deutch, Maxwell Medical, Smart Scissors

Break 8: promo for "Legally Blond" on Viewers Choice Pay Per View, promo for "Hometown Hockey" on Rogers Television


Break 9 (over closing credits): promo for "Cold Case Files"

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


You've been told to just cheer up. Maybe you've even been told your feelings of despair are a sin or that those feelings aren't valid. God inspired the placing of a psalm in the Bible that speaks exactly to people's feelings when they go through the worst, hardest and most challenging of times. In a recent sermon, Pastor Aaron Vriesman takes an in-depth look at this unfamiliar psalm, examining all its different aspects. This sermon will eddify your spirit, inform your mind and soothe your soul. Watch it here. 


Proverbs 31

v1: Lemuel is another name for Solomon.

Note that Solomon's mother told him the wisdom recorded in this chapter. God doesn't belittle wives or women in any way.

Prophecy doesn't just mean foretelling the future: it also has to do with teaching.

v2: King Solomon's mom wants him to listen to what she has to say.

v4-7: This passage is not condemning the drinking of alcohol: merely giving guidance for it's consumption and use.

One should not drink on the job.

When a dying person drinks or takes hard drugs, from what I've heard, they don't really get high because they're in so much pain.

v8-9: Christians truly are to be a voice for the voiceless and pursue justice in society. However, Biblical social justice and modern social justice are markedly different.

v10: A virtuous woman is worth more than rubies, i.e. rare. Boy, Solomon's mother wasn't kidding!

v11: The noble wife is trustworthy, not flaky.

v12: She seeks good for her husband (and others) instead of evil. In other words, she is not malicious.

v13: She doesn't begrudge performing her household duties.

v14: She provides food (and other necessary items) for her family. This is where that feamale gathering instinct comes in, only it didn't come about as a result of evolution and emerge back when we were cave dwellers; it was placed in Eve, the mother of all living, when God created her from Adam's rib.

v15: She isn't lazy. She also treats those who work for her well.

v16: This would seem to fly in the face of the modern evangelical teaching that women can't run businesses outside the home.

v17: Most importantly, she strengthens herself with the truth of Jesus Christ.

v19: A re-iteration of her industriousness.

v20: She is generous, thinks of others and is not greedy or stingy.

v21: She prepares for the future.

v22: The woman who clothes herself with these virtuous characteristics makes herself a queen, clothed with the righteousness of Christ and part of His royal priesthood.

v23: Her husband is respectable and his opinion carries weight. He is not an idiot man-child. Keep in mind this chapter is being told to a son.

v24: She is enterprising.

v25: She is given the Lord's strength and the honour comes because she has a relationship with God. When Jesus returns, she will be eternally rewarded.

v26: She isn't a silly girl who just pops out with whatever stupid or thoughtless thing comes into her head.

v27: She is industrious because she cares and she cares because she has had her heart of stone replaced by a heart of flesh under God's new covenant.

v28-29: As opposed to insulting her and complaining about her.

v30: Be this type of woman, girls. Jesus Christ is the only thing that matters; everything else is going to be destroyed by fire in the end.

v31: She receives credit for her accomplishments, instead of the credit going to her husband.

Here is a poem that talks about the men's role in the life of such a woman and how God's people relate to their Heavenly Father.

Monday, November 15, 2021


This article takes a thorough and informative look at something which, though it has been dismissed by the mainstream fake news media, is all too real.

I would caution the reader I don't believe that members of the elite are physically reptilian.

Also, I would caution the reader that prayer and reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ are the best courses of action when confronting this societal evil. 


Proverbs 30

     v1: Here is some more information about who      was.

v2-4: See God's speech to Job in Job. Agur sure sounds like a man who read the Scriptures.

v5: See Ephesians 6 about the full armour of God.

v6: See Jesus' warning in Revelation.

v7-9: Christians can tend to romanticize poverty, but just as prosperity can lead to forgetting God, poverty can also lead to sin, such as stealing.

v10-14: People who think they are better than others and display the characteristics of the generation described in this passage would also be the type of people who would falsely accuse someone else's servant.

v20: It's astounding the depth to which sinners don't realize they're sinning.

v32: If you've started to speak, then realized what you are about to say is foolish or hurtful, then by all means hold your tongue.


I do believe that literal human sacrifice occurs today to one degree or another, but this article tells how it is going to occur in a much greater form in the not-too-distant future. Those who haven't put their trust in Christ and Christ alone had better do so now. Acts 2 38 


Proverbs 29

    v1: 1 Thessalonians 5 3 

v11: Again, stupid people prattle on and on, but wise people know the right time to speak.

v15: Though rod doesn't necessarily imply corporal punishment, it doesn't rule it out, either.

v18: This verse is quoted often, and I'm not saying there isn't some truth to the way it's usually interpreted. However, I think the real meaning of this verse is that someone who keeps God's law has a clear view of how to live their day-to-day life, but someone who just does their own thing will only end up dying and winding up in Hell.

v20: People who are impulsive and don't think before acting are as annoying, if not more so, than genuinely stupid people.

v25: Jeremiah 17 5

v27: Christians and unbelievers really have totally separate worldviews. In reality, the unbeliever is the wicked one, whereas unbelievers regard Christians as wicked, i.e. exclusive, unloving, bigoted, etc.


This is a good article that provides an intriguing twist to the Gospel. I would, however, caution the reader regarding one thing. God does not send us hard times. Rather, God allows the devil-as we see in the early part of Job, to come against us with suffering and trials as part of our living in a world effected by sin. 


Proverbs 28

v1: The wrongdoer is always defending themselves, even when no one is accusing them of anything because they know they're guilty of something and will be found out eventually. The righteous can be bold as lions standing up for Christ and His gospel because they know they are regarded as righteous through what Jesus did for them on the cross.

v2: Political instability and an ungodly nation go hand in hand. We see this in 1 Kings and we've seen it throughout history.

v5: How many times have you heard unbelievers say it isn't fair for God to send people to Hell?

v6: We've seen this stated before in Proverbs. Repetition is the key to the listener getting the message.

v9: God doesn't want to hear your prayers and praises if you aren't keeping His commandments.

v13: Our need for salvation summed up in one verse.

v19: This verse seems to forbid get-rich-quick schemes.

v23: I'd rather have someone get angry with me initially after telling them what they need to hear and later thank me than give someone the bull only to have them angry at me later for not telling them the truth.

    v27: You'll never be sorry for doing the right thing, even when it involves money.


This is a concise, yet thorough article regarding a subject about which many Christians are confused, touching on a passage many Christians get wrong. 


Proverbs 27

v1: Reminds me of the passage in James

v2: If you constantly need to praise yourself, it likely shows you haven't actually accomplished much.

v6: A true friend will always tell you the truth, even if it hurts, whereas someone who isn't really your friend will always pretend like everything you do is beyond reproach.

v15: A nagging, contentious woman is like Chinese water torture.

 v17: This is why fellowship is so important: so that Christians can learn from each other and come up with new insights about God and the Christian life together. I'm talking about real fellowship as opposed to going to church.

v23-27: Christians need to be financially savvy. If we aren't, God won't keep us from sliding into poverty. A relationship with God is not an excuse for not doing our due diligence. These verses, as well as common sense, tells us that if we are careful and prudent with our money, we'll be able to afford what we need in life, even having plenty, unless, through certain circumstances befalling us, the Lord wills it to be otherwise.