Sunday, October 31, 2021


Proverbs 20

v1: This verse isn't condemning the consumption of alcohol entirely. Rather, Solomon is simply telling his son to be judicious.

v2: By being disobedient to the King of the universe, the wicked are sentencing themselves to His wrath on judgment day.

v3: If you don't constantly stick your nose in other people's business, people will respect you and you will have done the wise thing, whereas if you don't mind your own business you'll end up causing bad blood between the different people you've been meddling with as well as between them and yourself.

v4: It's cold in March and early April when you plant a crop. The lazy person will always use the difficulty in starting something as an excuse never to do anything. It indeed can be a challenge to begin something, but once you've done so the task tends to get easier and you have more motivation to see it through. 

v6: Most people are quick to say they're a good and loyal person, but truly loyal people are hard to find.

v9: As it says in 1 John, Christians never become totally sinless in this life.

v10: Cheating people in your business dealings is looked on as a serious matter in God's eyes.

v12: God, through His Spirit, gives us the ability to see the world through His eyes and to understand what He tries to communicate to the people He created.

v13: Don't wait around. Work and you'll have something to show for it; don't work and you won't.

v15: In the end, our knowledge of God will profit us more than any precious material thing we could think of.

v18: If you've got a big decision to make or if you're thinking of undertaking something significant, seek good advice. Don't go off half-cocked.

v22: God can execute vengance on the evildoer and save you, the righteous follower of Him, way better than you can save yourself or avenge yourself against that person who has wronged you.

v29: Our culture prizes youth over age, but this verse indicates there are advantages in all stages of life.

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