Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Based on notes to myself.

The Lord told me He would send people back into my life and one day, when I went to the post office, He did.

Was continuing to go through my buddy's tapes.

Went to a Lion's Club dance one Friday which was a fundraiser for a family in the community. 

Began receiving single use braille books from CELA at around this time.

Thanks to attending the Lion's Club dance I was invited to someone's Christmas party the Saturday before Christmas. It was mostly her family but I enjoyed the party.

Ate an orange I had received as a gift at said party for breakfast the next morning.

Was listening to CBC Music a lot at this time.

Had a bunch of relatives from Mom's side of the family come down for Christmas. Also really enjoyable.

Mom made turkey curry the week between Christmas and New Year's from my cousin's recipe. I also immensely loved that same cousin's snickerdoodles.

Sent my friend an electronic audio Bible after Christmas.

Starting the new year, had an unwelcom email correspondence with a former friend.

The winter days passed with me managing to keep occupied and productive.

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