Monday, November 15, 2021


Proverbs 28

v1: The wrongdoer is always defending themselves, even when no one is accusing them of anything because they know they're guilty of something and will be found out eventually. The righteous can be bold as lions standing up for Christ and His gospel because they know they are regarded as righteous through what Jesus did for them on the cross.

v2: Political instability and an ungodly nation go hand in hand. We see this in 1 Kings and we've seen it throughout history.

v5: How many times have you heard unbelievers say it isn't fair for God to send people to Hell?

v6: We've seen this stated before in Proverbs. Repetition is the key to the listener getting the message.

v9: God doesn't want to hear your prayers and praises if you aren't keeping His commandments.

v13: Our need for salvation summed up in one verse.

v19: This verse seems to forbid get-rich-quick schemes.

v23: I'd rather have someone get angry with me initially after telling them what they need to hear and later thank me than give someone the bull only to have them angry at me later for not telling them the truth.

    v27: You'll never be sorry for doing the right thing, even when it involves money.

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