Monday, November 15, 2021


Proverbs 27

v1: Reminds me of the passage in James

v2: If you constantly need to praise yourself, it likely shows you haven't actually accomplished much.

v6: A true friend will always tell you the truth, even if it hurts, whereas someone who isn't really your friend will always pretend like everything you do is beyond reproach.

v15: A nagging, contentious woman is like Chinese water torture.

 v17: This is why fellowship is so important: so that Christians can learn from each other and come up with new insights about God and the Christian life together. I'm talking about real fellowship as opposed to going to church.

v23-27: Christians need to be financially savvy. If we aren't, God won't keep us from sliding into poverty. A relationship with God is not an excuse for not doing our due diligence. These verses, as well as common sense, tells us that if we are careful and prudent with our money, we'll be able to afford what we need in life, even having plenty, unless, through certain circumstances befalling us, the Lord wills it to be otherwise.

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