Thursday, November 11, 2021



v3-4: I don't know how families stay together these days without Jesus Christ.

v10: God gives us the strength to endure whatever we go through.

v11-12: If you fail to help those who are in grave danger, later adding insult to injury by lying and claiming you didn't know it was happening, then God will judge you for that.

v17-18: Though it's tempting to feel happy when bad things happen to our personal enemies as well as the enemies of God and His people, we must remember we are all sinners and repentance is open to all human beings. Just because we are living in repentance (Acts 2 38) and our enemy hasn't had that change of mind doesn't mean we couldn't have been in our enemy's position had we not chosen to put our faith in Christ.

Note: There is a difference between rejoicing when our enemy falls versus relief and gladness at God's justice being done. 

v19-20: The original meaning of fret is retaliate. Don't reward yourself by doing back to the evil man what he did to you. As a righteous Christ follower, you will have your reward in the end and justice will be done to every evildoer in the end as well.

v27: God loves us so much and cares about every aspect of our lives. Here He is telling us to plan things carefully before we set to work on them.

v29: A re-iteration of verses 19 and 20.

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