Monday, January 13, 2020


Depending on who you are, and how you feel about this you may be considering the fact that the institutional church is not for you.  If you are in one, and you feel the pull from God here are the signs it's time to leave.

1  They rely on stuff to attract people- It is all well and good to want to bring more members in, but if you are church relies on things such as Disco Tech Nights or controversial preachers you may want to leave.

2 It's rather impersonal- This is if you attend a larger or mega church.  You maybe know five people out of a congregation of 700, and you don't feel that you would even talk to them outside of church.

3 The sermons don't challenge you any more- You remember when pastor Royce was there and he preached on things about Mark and Luke you had never thought of, that was eight years ago, Pastor Royce is gone, and your pastor seems to think that spoon feeding gospel is a great idea.

4 You aren't so comfortable- This might be due to the fact that when you first started going there was more of a family atmosphere, and now it feels more like your job.

5 The pastor gears his/her sermons- Instead of doing general sermons your pastor has started to go off on tangents on his/her anti-immigrant feelings, or his/her pro-LGBTQ agenda.

6  Repetitive sermons- Didn't you hear this one around the same time last year?  Your pastor has taken to recycling old sermons.  He/she has also decided the choir or praise team will sing the same songs over and over.


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