Friday, January 10, 2020


In the last few essays I have spoken about churches, pastors, and how to find the right church.  We all should know, however that it's not strictly religion, but relationship and devotion.  People feel that sense of devotion and closeness to our Lord and Savior differently. Here are some ways you may not think of to connect in unique ways.

1  Having fellowship with Godly friends- The Bible says in Matthew 18 that when two or three are gathered to pray it puts a thick wall up against the enemy of Souls.  When you have found some friends that are your Encouragement team you can not only face life's challenges together, but build faith.

2  Take a walk- This is something I absolutely love, taking a walk.  I find myself talking to God, and the noise and chaos of my inner-city home drifts away as I listen to directives from my maker.

3  Get an informal prayer or study group- Remember how I told you about Godly friends?  This goes a little further than that, as you should bring not just your friends, but encourage them to invite friends.

4  Take a break to praise or pray- This is pretty selfexplanitory, even if it's just a moment out of your day make room for God.

5  Serve- We are called to have servant's hearts, but what does that mean?  It doesn't have to be a major thing, maybe talking to your neighbor, or helping with a church project.

6 Recognize God's sense of humor- Some people don't believe that God has a sense of humor, but He does.  Have you ever seen one of those brightly colored birds, or experienced some weird weather?  That proves it.

7  Don't forget to thank Him- We get so wound up in calling upon Him for troubles, but what about those joys and miracles?  Remember to thank Him, even for something as small as an extra ice cube in your drink on a hot day.

When do you feel closest to God, and what tips would you give someone wanting an authentic relationship with God?


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