Monday, January 20, 2020


One should never assume anything because, when you do, you make an ass of yourself. Here are some Bible verses to back that up.

1  People think your stoic- You don't mean to be that way, you are a kind person, but you weren't brought up to really show emotions.  My father's this way, very soft spoken, however very stoic.  It mostly has to do with the fact he was brought up in a time period where you just toughed it out.

2  Your blind/sight challenged- If I had a dollar for all the weird questions I've been asked, I'd be super rich.  For me it kind of goes either way, they talk to me in an infantile voice as if it's my brain impared and not just my eyes.  They try unsuccessfully to suggest clubs I would not be interested in, mostly for mentally challenged people.  Or they give me a series of sighted directions, or ask if they can help me to my car.

3 Your from a misunderstood culture- Prior to 9 11 people didn't really have opinions on people from the middle east.  Most people thought of Aladdin or Genie from "I Dream of Genie."  Now, it's mainly oppressed women and terrorists, never in between.

4  You were home schooled- People think your weird or anti-social.  Maybe your parents wanted you to have an education focused on values and not so much temptation.


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