Monday, December 25, 2023


Just read British pastor Rico Tice's 2015 book "Honest Evangelism." My major thoughts are as follows.


First, more labourers are needed to go out to where people are: the coffee shops, the bars, the pubs, etc.: wherever people gather to talk over ideas.

Second, what if you had the Peter type, the Paul type, the Bartimaeus type, and the woman at the well type all in the same place? The Peter type could spout it out to the unbeliever whom he was sitting beside, the Paul guy could answer any apologetic questions the person had, the Bartimaeus Christian could give his testimony or that of someone he heard about who was in a similar situation to the unbeliever, and the woman at the well could invite the unsaved person and her brothers over Saturday afternoon to watch a documentary about the subject under discussion.

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