Thursday, August 4, 2022


    The trail that leads to the Lord, our God and Creator, is not an easy one; its like climbing a mountain by yourself for the first time with no experience to fall back on and only God knows where you are. 

When you start to seek God's truth you will stumble and fall, possibly during many attempts but when God's faith is your mountain to climb God's right hand will be there to pick you up, dust you off and prepare you to try again. The more times you return to God's mountain of faith the more wise you become to the snakes and snares who want to cause you to fall and then the day is at hand that you stand at our Lord God's summit where the glory of His creation is the vision you see and know that only by God's grace are you there seeing it.

If you are a man or woman of prayer you will pray and if you are not, you'll start because now you must climb down the mountain of faith. That can be more dangerous than climbing up but God will clear your way so that you can tell all who you meet where you have been and what you have seen. Only by prayer and through God's word can non-believers begin to see. Most will not and curse you from their hate.        

Humility walks the path of truth, pride walks the path of destruction. Lies lead to more lies but truth leads to more truth in Jesus Christ. Amen.


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