Thursday, August 11, 2022


We’re all sick, I don’t mean physically, but spiritually.  There’s a pandemic that has gone on since Adam and Eve fell, the pandemic of sin.  It’s way

more insidious than AIDS, typhoid, Covid, and Monkey Pox.  Is there a vaccine for it?  Yes, and it comes in the form of a relationship with Jesus.

Saturday I had a bit of a headache, and thought little of it.  It had been really hot and humid, so I just thought my body wasn’t reacting well to the


Sunday I got a runny nose, and again thought, ok, it’s just late season allergies.  Sunday night I barely slept, and when I woke the next morning

had muscle aches as if I had skied an entire day before with out breaks.  I also had a nagging cough, slight sore throat, and had lost almost my entire

appetite.  I asked someone who helps me out to come up and bring a covid test and thermometer.  I did the test, and in seconds found out I had covid. 

Was I scared?  Not in the least.  I called first my biological family, some friends, and then some church elders.  I also consulted the Great Physician,

because his clinic never has shortages, line ups, or paperwork.

How am I? Definitely not 100%, but God’s got this, and he will heal me.



Update 08/17:

Today I got a call from Public Health saying that since my symptoms began eleven days earlier I could release myself from quarantine.

Thank you to all the people who prayed, supported, and encouraged me.  I would also like to thank the folks on the frontlines, as they tirelessly work to end this pandemic. 




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