Friday, August 26, 2022


        Happy retirement to Ed Lawrence, the "plant doctor" on CBC's "Ontario Today."

To me, Aaron Thompkins seems like a case of failing upward. How is it he only hosted "Classic Country Sunday" for a few weeks and now, several years later, he's temporarily co-hosting the Mix 97 morning show?

Thanks for the new podcasts, Accessible Media. "Tripping on Air" sounds worth checking out. Among the other three, one sounds self-serving, one is on a topic about which I don't care and the other one seems redundant, seeing as how if people don't know how to use a screen-reader, how are they going to access the podcast?

As far as all the flap about Lisa LaFlamme is concerned, did anyone actually expect she was going to be the next Lloyd Robertson? Conventional TV was in trouble ten years ago when she took over as national news anchor and TV's plight has only gotten worse since then. Plus, with that butchy monotone I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did.

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