Tuesday, June 20, 2023


I have a feeling if Megan Fox's boys decided not to dress like girls they wouldn't get supper ever again.

Alice Cooper, become an actual Christian. Real Christians don't produce Marilyn Manson videos. Acts 2 38

Justin and Hailey Beeber, find a church that will actually root you in Christ and His ways instead of just playing around.

Likewise, Selena Gomez, start truly being a Christian. Get rid of the manipulation and self-obsession.

Alyson Stoner, of course you grew up to be pansexual. What you describe of your childhood are the same types of experiences a lot of lgbt people have had. Begin a true relationship with Jesus Christ, if you don't already have one, and allow Him to transform and redeem your sexuality. 

Demi Lovato, I pray the whole Christianity thing a few years ago was a false profession. You've been leading life on your own terms for many years now and basically making a public hash of it. It should be pretty obvious Christ is the only One who can save you at this point.

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