Friday, July 1, 2022


In God’s Word it tells us to fear nothing and to trust God in everything we do, but why are so many folks frightened?

The left is fearful as they do not have something to reach for in the tough times.  They fear knowing that the drag queen that they send in to the local library is actually a known sex offender.  They are afraid to admit that their abortion will lead to future infertility and kidney failure.  One person who heeded not that reminder was American actress Jean Harlo, and she paid a deadly price.

                           What Else Scares Them?: my church.  Why?  

I attend a black church, and I must admit that these folks are some of the hardest working God fearing folks I have come across.  Not willing to accept hand outs they go one further and teach their children those values.  The left finds this willingness not to just collect welfare intimidating, because they wish to pretend they are not holding racial prejudices.

Success is a wonderful thing, but fear can lead to something else the left is not prepared to admit.  

I have asked many of the young people “so what do you want to do when you grow up?”  and the typical response is: doctor, lawyer, business person, engineer, etc. etc.  

Why is the left scared of that?  Same reason the KKK tried unsuccessfully to block civil rights: fear and jealousy.  Fear that one of these fine young men and women might just be the surgeon removing their gangrenous leg, and jealous that they did not “sit back popping out babies” and now they run a million dollar engineering firm.



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