Tuesday, December 3, 2019


The following is a response to this podcast.
Baptism is necessary for salvation. When we repent, we die to ourselves. We are then buried in Christ through baptism as it says in Romans 6 and we come up out of the water new creatures in Christ.

In the original Greek, the phrase in Acts 2 38 "for the remission of sins" means "In order to have your sins remitted", not "because your sins have already been remitted."

Show me one example in Acts where someone was saved without being baptized.

As to the examples of the thief on the cross and the publican in the temple, the new covenant didn't come into effect until after Christ rose from the dead. After all, if He had stayed dead, what significance would His sacrifice have had?

Incidentally, the parable of the pharisee and the publican isn't about how to get saved; it's about self-righteousness versus humility.

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