Thursday, December 5, 2019


The following is a response to this.

(There was very little in part one I would disagree with that I won't get to later in this post. Good Fight Ministries corrected some misinterpretations of Scripture, and so the only area of conflict I would have with them in part one would be the identity of the true covenant people.)

So Jehovah's Witnesses, Black Hebrew Israelites, or people like me were persecuting Christians in Smyrna and Philadelphia?! When the plain sense of Scripture makes sense, seek no other sense! It seems pretty obvious from the text that there were a group of people who claimed to be Jews but were not true Jews as defined in Romans 2 28-29 who were persecuting the Christians (made up of both Jews and Gentiles) in those two cities.

Why in 3 9 does Jesus say He would make these physical Jews know that He loved the Christians? Probably because those Jews were saying they were a special people for whom alone there would be a good future. Why does Jesus say He would make these Jews worship at the Christian's feet? Probably because those Jews were saying everyone else would worship them and be those Jews' servants in the world to come. This is still taught in the Jewish so-called holy book, the Talmud, today.

Now to the issue of the return to the land. First, when we use the word Jew today, we are mostly not actually referring to the ethnic group mentioned in the Bible. In addition, the original Jews, that is, the tribe of Judah (and Benjamin mixed in with them) were only two out of twelve original tribes. Those ten tribes were scattered at the time of the Assyrian invasion of Israel described in the Bible. They were scattered all over, then gathered into a land that, as I said in my last post, sounds nothing like modern-day Israel. The Jews, of course, were scattered as well in AD 70 and later joined the other ten tribes in their new land. (All this is historically and archaeologically provable, by the way.)

In Revelation, it says the 144 thousand were from twelve tribes (Dan being excluded for some reason.) You can not get 144 thousand modern Jewish men out of that! We also read in Revelation that those 144 thousand (along with a great multitude, the stranger among us who believes being one of us) go into the wilderness in order to be kept safe from the things that are happening during the tribulation period. (See Rev.12 and 3 10) This wilderness is in that part of the world where modern-day Israel is. Thus, those saints will be in Jerusalem when Jesus returns, places his feet on the Mount of Olives and sets up his kingdom. That is how we Caucasians (including the great multitude of believing strangers), are going to return to our ancient land.

As to touching the apple of God's eye, let me ask you a question. The West, particularly the United States as well as Canada, has been blessing Israel since 1948. Look at the curses mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, and/or look around you, watch the news, etc. Since 1948, do we have more of all the stuff mentioned in the latter part of that chapter, or less?

Also, was it not around or shortly following 1948 that Alfred Kinsey's ideas became more popular. Was it not sometime after the creation of the state of Israel that all those bands sold their souls for rock and roll and Hollywood ramped up it's war on God?

Who do you think promoted rock and roll? Who do you think is heavily involved in Hollywood? Alistaire Crowley, by the way, got a lot of his ideas from the Qabala.

Therefore, I will criticize unbelieving Jews all I want to. For those who would repent, I pray for them in the name of Jesus. For those believing Jews who are my brothers and sisters,  I pray Revelation 3 9 for them in the name of Jesus.

As for Joe Schimmel being a Zionist shill, I wouldn't say he is, but let's be real here. He might get flack from a few cranks, crackpots or otherwise online, but you get far less persecution if you laud the Jews and come out strongly against "anti-Semitism" as he does than you do if you hold a position like mine.

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