Came across a DVD of a bunch of guys having a song circle, playing country and folk music. One of the men was named Bob. One of them lived in Cordova. One talked about a unique instrument he saw somebody play when he and a few other people went to someone's house after an Ian Tyson concert. The couple whose house were the song circle was had a daughter named Katie. One of the other guys had a dog named Jake he had brought along and whom he had to get home to feed. One of the guys told a dirty joke about a seance. There was also talk of course about the songs and their instruments.
Then it shifted to a chili cookoff that was a fundraiser for a new building, headed up by some guy named Elwood Hamilton. The leader of the trio, Nothing Fancy, was also mc-ing. The other members of this fiddle group were Bill Hornsby and Stubby. After a few instrumental selections, Glen Hubble was featured on vocals. One of the children told an adult they were going for a walk.
Then the DVD shifted back to the couple's house, this time with Katie dancing, I think a younger version of hear than appeared in the first segment. The fiddler had an old English guy playing with him this time. Katie got a little fussy at certain points. Katie started crying and one of the musicians asked, "What are you, the competition?" A TV was on in the background. Katies mom went to help Grandma with dishes. Katie later accompanied the musicians on a toy piano. Then she drank from her bottle. Her mom came in and put Katie back in her tracksuit. This segment was filmed near Christmastime because there was a lighted tree in the room. Someone knocked at the door. Katie proceeded to do a whole lot more dancing and general enjoying of the music.
It then shifted to another jam session possibly several months later. There was a NASCAR race on in the background. A couple women talking about what they'd made for dinner.
It shifted again, back to baby Katie in the mix. There was another child featured. Later both Katie and the other kid were dancing in the kitchen to the music. The phone rang.
Another jam session featuring Katie. One of the musicians asked another if he taped "Wrestlemania" for someone and how the tape turned out. There was a dog present who found his ball.
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