Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Coming Up Next

Don't forget to download our latest episode featuring the one and only National Geographic spokeswoman, author, and founder of GoingZeroWaste.comhttps://goingzerowaste.com/ Kathryn Kellogg! She has an exciting announcement for the zero waste community, and chats with us about what she's been up to in San Francisco since her recent book, 101 Ways To Go Zero Waste.

Not For Profit
In other news, the Zero Waste Countdown Initiative recently gained not for profit status and we are currently looking for partnerships, collaborations, funding, and donations to extend the reach of the show. If you're interested, please email me with your ideas or questions, or you can click here to send a few dollars our way. If you're a sustainable company or organization looking for ad space, we have a few spots still available for this summer. Over half of our listenership is American so we reach a lot of American listeners, particularly from California and New York. You can also become a patron of the show here.https://patron.podbean.com/zerowastecountdown

If you don't want to spend anything or partner up but still want to support the show, please leave a review on Apple or your favorite podcast app :)

I hope you all are doing well and weathering the shut downs and container/cloth bag bans that we've been encountering, and let's hope they all end soon, which I'm sure they will. It's been rough out there for the zero waste world, and I've had to regress into buying some food in packaging. Luckily we have an excellent recycling service in my local area but I look forward to getting back into my zero waste shopping routine soon. I really hope that your loved ones are okay, and that everyone is staying healthy and safe.

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day, and I look forward to seeing the results of the survey!

Your host,
Laura Nash

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