Friday, May 15, 2020


Lead us not into temptation, but into everlasting life and the four steps of truth, which are wisdom, knowledge, logic and common sense: the stepping stones to the answer.

Turn to Jesus and begin to know God, His father's wisdom, knowledge, logic, and common sense and the power that it becomes within you through the Spirit of truth who will help you to see more and more of the big picture, which is yourself, the trinity and everything else. Your purpose will become more directed when you begin to look at it in this way. Begin to pray through Jesus Christ to His Father God who will then begin to water the seed of truth that he planted into you at conception.

Learn to reach out to the good in people around you but do not allow people you meet to sin against God through you. Refuse any hospitality that they seem to be offering if you begin to feel that you are becoming a tool of their trade. Walk away and then pray for them and forgiveness of their sins against God. Then, if they cross your path again they will avoid you unless they want you to approach them again with the Gospel, and going forward they will always be a part of the whole picture that through the trinity you will begin to see more and more of God's way through them and everything else.


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