Sunday, May 26, 2019


I've always been uncomfortable with the phrase "live life to the fullest." It mostly suggests living life in such a way you wring it for all the pleasure it can give you. Other people use it to refer to living a life of service to others, but the service is usually a means whereby the person telling you to live life to the fullest is trying to work there way into Heaven or whatever good thing they believe is on the other side.

The Biblical book of Ecclesiastes has it right.

For one thing, if we apply the first meaning of "live life to the fullest", what that really says is "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." The more you eat, drink and make merry the faster you'll die.

However, as to the latter meaning, the Bible is pretty clear we can't work our way into Heaven. Even if those living the second application of live life to the fullest are serving others because they truly want to help them and leave a legacy and lasting impact, there's no guarantee that those who come after these good people will continue on their work or do it nearly as well as they did. As far as legacy, whose going to remember John Smith the charity worker in four generations anyway.

Rather, I would advise people to live life for Christ. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasures this world offers in their proper amounts and contexts, and whatever good work we do in Christ will be seen by God and remembered by Him, even if no one else remembers or appreciates what we've done.

In order to find out how to start living life for Christ, see the Biblical book of Acts, chapter 2 verse 38.

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