Friday, May 11, 2018


Although I did get a kick out of when the one girl made a Caesar: some really good sound effects on that one.

However, it's just the same left-wing antifa like claptrap we're hearing way too much of these days. Even though wrong things were done under colonialism, Samuel Champlain ultimately helped found the country you call home. As far as residential schools, there's a whole other side to that, besides which they're going to have to bring them back if our mostly remote Native population ever hopes to get an education. Also, the colonialists did totally stupid and oppressive things like introduce hospitals, water and sewage treatment, stopped the various Indian tribes from warring with each other, etc.

As far as Christianity being a foreign religion, 2/3 of Native Canadians are Christians today, according to a segment on CBC's "The Current" so it can't have been that foreign to them.

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