Saturday, April 14, 2018


Back in 2016, the federal government offered to provide money so churches and other religious organizations could hire summer students to help these organizations out. Then, a scant two years later, the government said that, in order to qualify for funding, an organization could not oppose abortion, i.e. murdering babies in the womb.

Christians then contacted the government, the same people who implemented this agree-with-baby-killing policy in the first place, to change their minds. The issue was finally put to a vote in the House and the government did not back down.

This is what comes of partnering with the government. What did these churches think was going to happen?

We don't live in an age where people make it a priority to find a church when they move to a new town. Thus, so many churches are strapped for cash, with many even closing down.

If they'd reach the public in a manner that's relevant with the way most people live their lives these days, maybe they'd have the money to hire summer help.

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