Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Picked up CIUT again Monday morning with "Democracy Now."

Picked up WBEE Rochester later that morning with a female anncr whose name I'd be able to tell you if there website wasn't so difficult to use.

Would have continued listening to "Cost of Living" on CBC Radio Sunday afternoon if the host chick hadn't mispronounced the word anual. 

Glad former Global TV news anchor Robin Gill is back in broadcasting doing talk radio now.

Just found out the sad news that former broadcaster and musician Bob Segarini has died. Though I never listened to him on Q-107 (or to any of his music, for that matter) I'll always remember the week he filled in on "The Nightside" for the late Mark Elliot on CFRB. I thought, and still think, he did such an admirable and cool job. I remember John Elston's pleasure at the fact Segarini got to the bottom of the hour newscast on time and didn't go over like a lot of the other hosts.

Glad you can listen to all RTE Ireland's radio stations directly from their website again.

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