Wednesday, July 12, 2023


v1: Our love for others has to be based on the truth of Jesus Christ. We can't compromise ourselves for the sake of the people we love.

v2: A lot of Christians care about prospering and being healthy but they don't care about their soul prospering which is what leads to the health and prosperity in the first place.

v3: Again, our lives, which hinge on, first and foremost, our love for the Lord Jesus Christ and, secondly but certainly not least, on our love for others, must be based upon God's truth. It must firstly be in us and then we have to walk in it.

v6: In those days, evangelists and other Christians stayed at people's houses when they traveled. This was for various reasons.

v7: I remain undecided about how much fundraising help Christians today should ask for or accept from unbelievers.

v8: I really admire Christians who have a predominent gift of hospitality.

v9-11: Today the church is full of Diotrepheses, not only individuals who fit this man's description but, more importantly, in the form of denominations. These denominations will maliciously slander each other and not want anything to do with one another or anyone else who has relations with the denominations to whom they are opposed.

It isn't that we don't need to watch out for and separate ourselves from Heretics and those who are bringing another Jesus, but the way it is today is just ridiculous. No wonder so many Christians are leaving the institutional church.

v12: Be a Demetrius. 

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