Thursday, March 30, 2023


This podcast will tell you a lot about how the world really works and the future those who run it have in store for us.

I would personally caution Whitney and Glen on something, however. Develop a true relationship with Jesus Christ before its too late. God is a personal being who cares what we do and whom we "love." There is nothing ultimately good in humanity. Rather, the only One who was ever truly good came to Earth, died for humanity's sins and rose from the grave three days later, proving the authenticity of His sacrifice. 

Begin a relationship with God now (Acts 2 38) or one of two things will happen. You will readily accept the AI thought control mark of the beast along with everybody else because you have no one else to look to for your health, safety and welfare; or you will end up rebelling against Christ after having lived in His near perfect world for  a thousand years and be in Hell for eternity.

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