Tuesday, February 8, 2022


(Based on notes to myself.)

Found out about Birds of Chicago.

Upgraded Kurzweil and JAWS.

I look back on the last few weeks of summer 2021 with fondness. My friend, his wife and I bushwhacked through the woods to the rapids. I also caught up with things people I knew from the school for the blind had posted online, successfully took a different route home from the store, listened to a wide variety of music from CDs my mom brought me from the thrift shop, started checking out the local churches online, and spent a lot of late nights out in the backyard reminiscing over the past.

My cleaning lady and I removed jars and containers of spoiled food from the freezer.

Spent a lot of time the last few months of 2021 catching up on the blogs in my RSS feeds, some of which I hadn't read in five years.    

When next upgrading JAWS, remember CNIB ID.

The week leading up to my birthday was just so wonderful, including a visit to Campbellford with a friend, accidentally discovering a new store in town and being fed a mimosa and nibblies,  and a great birthday. 

Spent Halloween night out in the backyard reminiscing as well.

The next day, I taped some videos that hadn't managed to download properly onto cassette from the internet. The day after that, I got to help a blind woman on the east coast with her computer.

I enjoyed going through my VHS archive in November as well.

In December, I listened to "The Luke Reports" from Focus on the Family as well.

Had a quiet and enjoyable Christmas with my family, spread out into Boxing Day. Of course, the week between Christmas and New Year's was wonderful as well, thanks in no small part to all the Christmas goodies and leftovers. Mmmmmmm, grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches with stuffing and cranberry sauce.

Did a lot of reading that week, too.

Press the third button on the kitchen clock.

Butter the bread on both sides to keep sandwiches from sticking to the sandwich maker.

Num Lock 0 r to read text in images?

The first week of January was also nice and laid-back.

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