Saturday, June 12, 2021


Psalm 1 (two directions: the godly and the wicked)

 If the truth offends you then you should ask yourself why. Are you following the demons of pride, lust and pestilence while hiding behind your mask?

Do you follow the mainstream highway of the times with only a leftside headlight and most of your lugnuts broken away as you keep going deeper into the fog of lies. 

Obeying our leaders of law, government and religion is an old testament command. Jesus said this while He was still living with us but then died by th3eir hands for noncompliance to their demands and the sins that they have become are why He died on the cross and what He washed away by His blood. Then, in three days, He rose from all iniquities leaving the message of direction in His Father's holy way. From the fog of lies, the truth will emerge.

When you take the easy way out you are allowing fear to open its door to you.

(Could it be true that when Joan Rivers died that it buried secrets about the Obamas and allowed Beyonce to rise to the thirty-third level?)

The most disturbing flag people fly on their homes would be the pride flag because of the ignorance of the abomination that it is. God's way is about freedom of choice: God's will is about making the right choice that honours Him.

Only by mind-disrupting drugs and mutulations of the body can a person become the sex that they were never meant to be.

It seems myocarditis is a deadly consequence of the COVID vaccine. This whole COVID thing has been a preventable disaster on the world from the beginning. When men pretend they are smarter than God only disasters will happen. Always have, always will.

In man's way, we do not have the right anymore to choose what we put into our bodies but we do have the right to remove from our bodies any part we decide we don't want, even when it is the result of bad choices made that causes innocence to become lost. 

Like the great whore riding on the back of the beast of the earth, when religious law becomes corrupted by the state it becomes a curse of the world and environmental disaster of the time we are in. Book 66 Revelation 6

In God's time, all His followers will learn to know His truth and what it means to us under His law and the grace that was granted through faith in Jesus Christ. As we lose the wisdom, the logic and the common sense all we have left is the knowledge with no law, no direction, no limits, and virtually no boundaries.

Gentiles new beginning into the day of our Lord and Creator: day seven after the destruction of the Cananites of the most evil of man's kinds. Jesus is the only Saviour of God's Holy Trinity, the deliverer of God's holy truth, the revealer of the lies of pure evil that are corrupting our children's minds. Matthew 6 9-13


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