Friday, July 31, 2020


        There's a fear more terrifying than the coronavirus among us. If you fear being shackled in a small dark place like George Floyd was then where Floyd is is where you are going as you follow your demons to your death as he did.

How is it that so many people believe wearing a mask and burning down buildings with total disregard for innocent life is going to beat Trump who stands in the Dems way. It seems that black lives only matter when they support the lies of the liar, Satan, and his followers. Black Lives Matter leaders are nothing more than Satan's puppets, dangling from their chains.

Today's actions are dictated by yesterday's lies. You cannot outrun your lies no matter how fast you move into your future. They will always be right there with you, hiding in the shadows, ready to expose you to God. The biggest fear a lie has is that you repent to God through Jesus Christ to receive the Spirit of truth which empowers you to turn your lives away. Then the lie becomes defeated and left in search of a weakened victim because it needs to feed off the fear that a born-again Christian no longer has.

You see, people, it is not the colour of your skin that matters: it is the content of your character. There are good, bad and ugly people in all countries. The unfortunate events of 2020 so far has very much exposed this fact about all kinds of man. Black Lives Matter is a lie and a fraud that is more deadly than any virus.

Abortion is the number one cause of death in North America, which is an indicator that, in our new reality, no lives matter.

Corona is of the fear that causes us to act like fools and deceives us from what we are becoming: that is, godless creatures.

There is a plague far worse than corona that has been lurking for a while now, that has been hiding in plain sight. It has been with you everywhere you go for years now: the zombie virus that causes us to follow the decaying flesh in front of us to an unfortunate end.


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