Monday, June 24, 2019


By Jim Fetzer and Mike Palesek. Createspace, 2015.

The point of a free society is to question things-even when those things involve the alleged deaths of little children, it is neither to personally attack people nor avoid debate for fear of hurting feelings.

This book, in the news of late, presents compelling evidence for the claim its title makes. However, it is also written in a way that leaves the reader quite free to make up his mind. Evidence is presented from a number of researchers from different perspectives, along with an appendix which more or less outlines the official story in the form of an extensive timeline.

Again, I am not advocating being a jerk and personally attacking Lenny Posner or anyone else connected with this event, people, but, in my view, it behooves anyone who calls themselves a thinking person to read "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook", which you can do here.

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