Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Came across a couple fascinating dvds and some intriguing cds recently. First the dvds:

A Christmas cantata from Madoc Wesleyan and Free Methodist Church, Pastor Adam Kline presiding, Curt Brinkman mentioning the Centre Hastings Support Network was still in need of donations for Christmas Sharing.

A Centre Hastings Secondary School play put on by the PLP class: "The Brementown Musicians."

A dvd of someone's wedding accompanied by an extensive soundtrack of hits from the sixties through the eighties with sort of an emphasis on power ballads.

Now the cds:

A fundraising concert put on by a woman who wanted to go to Ghana to teach. Mentioned she had been involved with Northumberland Players. Friends of hers sang a variety of show tunes.

A Holy Week service from St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church in Napanee. Part of 200th anniversary celebrations. They were joined by members of Christchurch Tyendinaga and St. Luke's, Camden East.

A Christmas concert put on by a choir or a group of some kind. The first half of the show was secular, the second mainly featuring religious songs. Both halves also contained recitations and stories to do with Christmas. Location unknown.


Unknown said...

The gospel just pops up now and again at thrift shops and that's a good thing. I am currently writing for the Word of God show that will air some time this fall on the Mixlr network We have about 12 shows created so far but I'm looking to create about 30 shows or so before attempting to go to air. In other news as my subscription to Netflix is coming to an end in a few days I have been Binge watching all my shows and came across a show that I thought would make a wonderful format for a gospel show. the show was Comedians In Cars Having Coffee, Hosted by Jerry Sighnfeld. The premise of the show was driving around in different cars with different guests going around L.A. having Coffie and going out to eat, What a great Idea for spreading the Gospel just wonder into a coffee shop by some guy a coffee and start chatting with him recording the conversation and subtly bring up the Gospel. WOW I want to start production right away. God bless talk with you soon.

Alex Horton said...

It is truly wonderful how the Gospel can get out to people through things like old cds and dvds in thrift shops.

I didn't delete the post about your Blog Talk Radio show after all because the BTR page still has a link to your Facebook page on it. Thus, people who click the link on my post will be able to find you on Mixlr through Facebook.

The "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" idea is truly excellent. You could either use it to tell people the Gospel, getting into an in-depth conversation with them about Jesus and where their coming from as far as belief in Him, or you could take pastors and other Christians out for coffee and talk with them about Christ, what He's done in their lives or what they're doing for Him.