Monday, October 22, 2012


The demonstration of the Spirit Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 2 was the power to convict people of their sins and change lives, not the ability to act like mental patients.

The phrase "all I have is thine" in the story of the prodigal son refers to the fact that the elder brother was going to get all the rest of the inheritance.

A lot of freakish, demented laughter from Hagan at the end.


Unknown said...

I can remember how excited I got when I heard a sermon by Kenneth Hagen on how to pray one late night out in the middle of Wyoming (I think) while I was back out on the truck soon after our Heavenly Father started making Himself real to me. For I thought, "No wonder I am not getting what I am asking for! I don't know how to pray right!" He let me stay trapped in the word-faith sub-culture for around six months to give me plenty of first-hand experience with just how cruel their doctrines are to those who are hurting the worst and being told that it is because of their lack of faith and other personal failures that they are not living the life that the Lord God Almighty wants all of His children by faith to live.

Alex Horton said...

Also, another issue these word of faith guys never seem to deal with is how they reconcile their teachings with the fact that most Christians are living in poverty in undeveloped countries.

Unknown said...

Quite sadly, my dear Alex, is that their explanation of that fact is that they are not really Christians. That is, at least not to the extent that they could be.