Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I'm not sure how I feel about The Harry Helms Blog.

On the one hand, it's a great read concerning dealing with one's death. Instead of being all, "Why me? Why is such a horrible thing happening to me?" the late author and publisher looks back on his life; remembering interesting trips he has taken, good times he has had and good friends he has known.

However, Helms does one thing which really ticks me off. He makes assertions without backing them up. He makes fun of 9/11 truthers but does not explain why what we believe is "Whacky." He also does the same thing in other places, taking jibes at the usual suspects like "survivalists" and home-based businesses without explaining why these are wrong-headed.

Honestly, I'm glad that guy is dead.


Carol and Jack Lewis said...

Wow! "Honestly, I'm glad that guy is dead." Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

Carol and Jack Lewis said...

Wow! "Honestly, I'm glad that guy is dead." Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

Alex Horton said...

I checked out your profile. Your blog seems interesting and I like the position it takes regarding health. I'll swing by it sometime.