Tuesday, December 21, 2021


AH: A brother in Christ emailed this to me. It is who we are in Christ and what we need to grow and more into as our relationship with God grows and deepens.

If you are ever tempted to think bad of another Christian:

A Helpful Reminder But you don’t have to move. Try this: The next time you see a Christian, look beyond what you can see. Look to what God says is true of him (since He made it happen!) and tell him about it right then and there. “Hello, my friend. Isn’t it amazing that as you stand there, you are a holy son or daughter of God, a blameless, radiant, and righteous friend of His? While you’re stuck in the chaos and turmoil of this world, you are not at all of it, and it is not worthy of you. I know who you are, and I’m thrilled with God because of you.”

Ralph Harris. God's Astounding Opinion of You (Kindle Locations 2083-2087). Harvest House Publishers. Kindle Edition. 

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