Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Learning about what is happening in the world of our time is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle that has endless pieces, but as more and more pieces ccome together the picture that you do not see on the front of the box the more you begin to see the next piece and the more you begin to see that when the puzzle is done its God's trinity complete and you see that the picture is of Christ ruling over God's Heaven on Earth.

COVID is a manipulation of the flu done by wearing a mask.


Hitler is a distraction from the beast of Mao who has you riding on its back.

When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death with your eyes open and your ears hearing and with the Holy Spirit of truth placing your steps from one rock on the path of righteousness to the next, you will need to fear know evil because it will only be able to let you pass since your shield of faith and sword of righteousness will deflect it and cause it to flee from you. Psalm 23 and 24, Ephesians 6


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