Sunday, April 4, 2021


    When I walk into a place where people are without wearing a mask most people now believe that I am endangering them. My message is really about the freedom I've found from the fear behind the many masks they wear on their face.         

I have not watched mainstream TV or turned on a radio in more than two years now and that seems to be the difference. I have been seeking true knowledge and turned off the virtual knowledge that so many only know.

Throwing the mask away, people, is the beginning of the only hope you have to face the thing you fear. God has the only true answers. 

Galatians 2 20

I live for the ways of Jesus Christ now, not the ways of man.

The visions I have seen and the undeniable confirmations I have had have brought me to an understanding that loves all people no matter how much they fear me because I don't wear a mask.

Thank you God for preparing me through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the time we are in. Amen.

I choose not to fall into the modern-day slavery of the mask that you are all wearing that's not going to save anyone from anything.

The purpose of the mask is to break your will through the fear of non compliance and the fog that it creates in your mind.

Natural herd immunity is the only defense from any virus and vaccinations are an artificial chemical reaction. What's going on makes no sense which, in a way, gives it a sense: the nonsense that we follow.


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