Friday, March 5, 2021


        The answer is as simple as the truth: the transgender movement is enslaving people into false beliefs. When a male begins to believe they are a female they become a slave to this unfortunate destructive lie. When you begin to take mind and body manipulating drugs then you have fallen into the devil's trap that there is no escape from: not even in death.

The only escape is repenting and receiving Christ into your life (Acts 2 38.) 

I hope that I never meet a man who is PMSing because women, God bless their hearts, are bad enough in their PMS time of the month. It only makes sense that men would be much worse.

They want us to follow their science, yet they believe there is no difference between men and women.

They want us to believe that trans rights are human rights when the truth is human rights are supposed to be about trans rights not being above anyone else's rights.

Transgenderism: the religion of pride, boasting and self-hatred.

We need to start seeing past the leaves that are floating on top of the depths of deception.

It does not matter what colour you are or your gender, because the direction of your destiny is in the content of your character by the choices that you make. When you let your circumstances continue to compromise your choices you will become deceived and misdirected into the darkness we are in.

Jesus is the light that shines upon God's Word that is truth. Amen.


1 comment:

Alex Horton said...

You are not in the wrong body simply because you like things our culture associates with the opposite sex.