Wednesday, December 23, 2020


        I know you can do this, we all know this fate to one degree or another.


Try to imagine falling for a thousand years into the fiery pit of Hell, then crash landing onto the jagged rocks of brimstone as what bones you have left that were not burned off during your fall become broken and smashed in order to feed the flame that consumes you into the depths of the abyss. Now the only thing left of you is the essence of what you have become to suffer the torment of your regrets of turning your ways from the only One who could have saved you from this scenario of sins for the rest of eternity, for however long that is.


Our Lord Jesus Christ showed us the way of no regrets with Him in the Heaven with the Creator who created us with the choice of returning to Him. Romans 8 38-39 COVID-19 Psalm 91 6 aIn Jesus name, amen.  


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