Tuesday, October 8, 2019


1. Young people are used to being part of things, from comment areas on blogs to live chats during podcasts. They don't want to sit listening to a monologue for 45 minutes, then be dismissed.

2. Most institutional churches are simply irrelevant. They're preaching on the same topics they've been preaching on for years. They don't talk about things like the utter lack of job security, the social media feedback loop, the fact most people now live in virtual reality instead of actual reality, the coming further technological changes that will greatly destroy the semblance of reality we have left, the post-postmodernism of the social justice warriors, how to effectively reach the LGBT community, how to avoid shacking up with housing being as expensive as it is, and probably a whole bunch more topics of which I am unaware.

3. Trying to live by a set of principles (as opposed to having a true relationship with God) didn't work for there parents or their fellow church members so why would they want to continue in "the faith?"

4. Young people simply don't have the time. Nothing is ever just one day. It isn't simply attendance of Sunday service, but you are then obligated to get involved in all the church's extracurricular activities.

5. They realize how fake and hollow all these mega-churches are.

6. Lack of cultivation of a love for God and His Word in the church they attended when they lived with their parents.

7. Naivete of pastors and youth leaders about what the big wide world they've stepped out into is really like.

8. The model is still reminiscent of 150 years ago. Sunday mornings, after we've fed the animals, milked the cows and collected the eggs, we take the buckboard into town to hear one of the few people in the area with post-secondary education spoon-feed us the Word of God because otherwise we'd have no way of understanding what it says.

9. There are so many people in this generation who have mental disorders such that they can't get it together to go to church or couldn't handle the environment while they were there and, in fact, would be detrimental to that setting in some cases. Those in these people's lives realize churches can't don't or won't accomadate people with these afflictions so these mentally healthy people don't want to attend church either.

10. Similarly, there are also many people in this generation who have no idea how to behave in public. Universities are now offering courses in table manners, and the halls of ivy tend to attract the smartest young people with the most going for them! I can't imagine how much worse it is in the other stratas of society. Again, these people wouldn't be able to handle a typical church setup, wouldn't be welcomed or fit in and, of course, would be more of a hindrance than an assett.

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