Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Hosts from Canada's Accessible Media, Inc., travel to the CNIB's Lake Joseph Centre, a summer camp for the blind, visually impaired and their families.

I attended the spring sessions at Lake Joe from 1995-1997. This documentary brought back a lot of good memories, from tubing to fishing to sitting in the Muskoka chairs.

The documentary is also informative. I didn't know about the family camp or the WILD program.

It was also great to see how Lake Joe builds confidence and makes blind people more independent, an effect I remember it having on me, as well.

Things have also changed, though. The tuck shop was cash only when I went there; no Apple Pay to even be dreamed of. I also didn't remember the sailboats, and I don't remember any gymnastics routines or dancing at the talent show, though that's pretty cool.

Watch "AMI Goes to Camp" here.

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