Saturday, September 27, 2008


Leslie Houston has been fired from the Manitoba Liberal party officially due to remarks made on an old blog. She said the U.S. government knew about 9/11 and Israeli business people didn't come to work in the World Trade Centre that day, both of which statements have evidence. Head of the Manitoba Liberal party Sharon Carstairs said there was no place for conspiracy theories in the Liberal party, then in typical liberal fashion said the party believed in tolerance. Yeah, Sharon, and you sure tolerate people that have views different from those officially held.


Anonymous said...

Surprised you wrote this, considering you wrote a comment proclaiming your anti-homosexuality views on a blog. You sure tolerate people who don't hold your views.

I hope your present or future employer doesn't see what you wrote. But then again, maybe I'll send to them after I continue to track you down and follow you.

Alex Horton said...

Well, you don't tolerate people who have views different from you either so I won't really respond to that point of the argument.

I guess people who disaprove of homosexuality don't deserve jobs, eh? Are you going to be like some five year old tattle tale in a kindergarten class and be all, "Mr. Employer, this person doesn't like homosexuals." How pathetic.

If you ever want to have a reasonable discussion about this with me don't be shy. Maybe you could even not be a total coward and actually tell me who you are next time.