Thursday, August 1, 2024


Does The Edge in Calgary portend The Edge Toronto flipping to classic alternative?

Those spots promoting radio are terrible. There is no dialogue between the person needing things and the announcer. Also, if someone already has an idea of what they need these days, they Google it. Radio, on the other hand, is about creating awareness of things people didn't know about before so they'll remember the commercial when they do need that something.

Picked up CKOL Campbellford last Thursday with an ecclectic mix of tunes, with songs from different eras more or less in separate sets.

Sunday and Monday, 98 PXY Rochester was coming in like a local.

Speaking of which, it is not a good idea to have your traffic report sponsored by one personal injury law firm, then roll an ID mentioning your studio is sponsored by a competing firm.

Also speaking of PXY, you can tell CHR isn't for teenagers anymore by that "Parental Confidential" feature on the morning show.

Picked up WBEE Rochester tonight with end of afternoon drive show.

Picked up Pure Country Niagara tonight with Bobby Bones.

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