Please excuse the odd punctuation in some spots.
First of all, as to your parody of a youTube conspiracy talk show at the time of the first Passover, I don't see how it is applicable. Moses was speaking in the name of the Lord, whereas it's the world telling everybody to do all this draconian stuff to supposedly prevent COVID-19.
Second, your post about democracy:
First of all, if you look in the Old Testament, you'll see the Israelites were not ruled by a king the first few centuries or so they were in the promised land. Rather, they were ruled by judges. They chose a king because they wanted to be like all the other nations. In fact, according to 1 Samuel, their choosing a king was a rejection of God.
Even after the Isrealites had a king, they still got to choose whether or not that king's firstborn son would succeed him, just as they'd chosen their judges previously. Look in 1 and 2 Kings if you don't believe me.
Second, according to the book "Persecution" by David Limbaugh, the founding fathers were not all free masons, deists and such: just a few of them. Most of them were active members of their Protestant churches.
TO THE KING Which brings me to a very important point I want to bring up, in light of parents risking their children's health by dragging them to health protests during a pandemic. Parents, you don't get to choose to sacrifice yo
ur kid in the name of your personal freedoms. The Canaanites put their babies into the fire, the Spartans left the babies to die of exposure. Many people are familiar with Queen Elizabeth II. Her newest great-grandchild, Archie, belongs not to Meghan or Harry, his parents. It is the Queen who retains legal custody of Archie. Likewise, your kid belongs to King Jesus, you're entrusted to care for and raise that kid in the Lord until He returns. You're the caretaker, but the children belong to the King. You don't get to sacrifice God's children or put them in danger to make a political statement, whether you birthed them or not. So let me say this again loud and clear, Jesus is King, be a good steward of the things and people He has given you charge over, at His behest and pleasure. Never forget He can take it all away in an instant."Almost sounds like you're saying our children belong to the state and not to us _or God.
Also, don't know how taking them to a protest is equivalent to sacrificing the child to Molech. They're at far less risk of death from attending a protest than from being thrown in a fire or left to die of exposure, especially since the coronavirus barely seems to be affecting children.While kingdoms on earth are a picture of God's authority, what they actually are meant to be is a picture of Godly authority. Those who fought the American Revolution (and man, I wish we'd had something like that up here in Canada) fought it with the cry, "No king but king Jesus." They, or at least some of them, understood that God was the absolute authority, thus for the Doofus family to found a dynasty because the original Doofus was a great hunter and bought a parcel of land for his tribe and now his great-great-great-to the 36th power grandson rules to this day is also a false, Satanic idea."Let's just watch the world burn today on my channel, because this week hasn't been crazy enough. QUESTION What is the greatest way Satan has taken out God's people before their time, after the fall? ANSWER Infirmity. Illness. Sickness. Disease. God has worked through Christians, like Edward Jenner, ..."The above was from a post of Rachel's extolling the wonderfulness of vaccinations. So, basically, all the time prior to the development of vaccines, God was up there in Heaven all like, "Darn, Satan is taking out so many of my people with diseases. Hope somebody invents a way to prevent diseases soon or I don't know what I'm going to do."It's surprising you would say this, Rachel, as you are constantly talking on your channel about false doctrine, something which has taken out more Christians than anything else. After all, Jesus said (paraphrasing and extrapolating) that it wasn't about that which could kill the physical body, but about your soul winding up in Hell."The latest episode of #crackyourbible, even though it's a continuation of the same character from Passover parody, has the Multi Level Marketing scammers who were subscribed to this channel, furious. It's fantastic! FOLLOW THE MONEY Funny how it's always the people who have a financial incentive to create fear and doubt, especially surrounding rigorously tested medical products, so that they can promote their MLM products that they shill at church. Of ..."Who the heck is sowing fear and doubt here?!! I see the world, led by the CDC, WHO, etc. instilling a lot of fear in people over something they themselves didn't think was a big deal at first and which hasn't proven to be nearly as big a deal as said medical community projected. (Guess only God knows the future, eh?)Being in the medical field, you should already know, or at least be capable of finding out, so many of the drugs, vaccines, etc. on the market are not properly tested. There's more than enough information out there about how trial results are falsified to make it appear to the FDA, Health Canada etc. the drug is safe and effective.Do a parody of all the Christians who want to live in willing, foolish ignorance about how the world really works, thinking the politicians are their friends or at worst simply misguided, and that their newsfeed brings them all the truth that's worthy to print at the time of David and Bathsheba. What does it matter how Uriah died; he was a great soldier who died fighting for his country."Can someone explain why this is happening? Me: "on issues where the government isn't telling you to sin or deny Jesus, we're called to be obedient.""Again, I am surprised that a woman who spends the majority of her internet footprint talking about the subtleties of the devil would say such a thing. The government isn't going to say, "For the good of the country (or non-country in Canada's case) we introduce this bill, Mr. Speaker, whereby every Canadian will be required to worship Satan, as well as beat up their neighbour and steal all their money on a fortnightly basis."No, no, no, no, no. The governments of this world, being run by Satan, are going to be much more subtle than that."Hey, there's a health crisis (which I believe is legit, if not that big a deal, by the way) which could potentially be really dangerous, millions could die, the hospitals could be overwhelmed, everybody could be spreading it to everybody..."See what our fictitious politician has just done? He has gotten you to fear, whether he himself is actually afraid or not. Fear is a spirit that comes from the devil, according to 2 Timothy 1. When you're operating in fear, you're taking your eyes off God, not thinking rationally and being more subject to doing whatever a government (run by Satan, remember) would want you to do, as opposed to staying calm, seeking God's guidance and taking sensible precautions."When things are tough is when people's actual faith comes through. ...
Somehow these Christians believe that women can't have an abortion because it would cause a baby to die, but those same Christians won't wear a mask during a pandemic, even though it could cause a baby to die. "My body, my choice" only works as an excuse when Christians don't care about the person who would die because of their choice."
First of all, I'm not noticing a lot of real Christian faith down my part of the world. Christians are giving into fear and cow-towing to the governing authorities as much as the unbelievers.Second, I would be willing to wear a mask in public if we were acting like Taiwan (which, given the fact your in-laws are Taiwanese I'm surprised you don't seem to know about) where they check your temperature when you enter public places and life is otherwise going on as normal. Otherwise, wearing masks when I go to run my errands just seems silly.Third, the causing a baby to die thing might have worked at the beginning of this pandemic when we weren't sure what it would do, but now we know it really doesn't affect children so you aren't laying that fear-laden guilt trip on me. Gee, I could have the beginnings of a cold or the flu, expose a baby to it and accidentally cause them to die. Sorry your baby or your granny died, but I didn't will it to happen.As for your quotation of Romans 13 1-7, context, context, context! This passage is telling us what governing authorities are supposed to be. While I am certainly not advocating Christians break laws for the sake of flouting man's law or not pay taxes, let's look at the verses surrounding this passage, shall we.Romans 12 21 tells us not to be overcome by evil but to conquer evil with good. If we are operating from Satan's spirit of fear, that's going to inhibit our ability to do good.The rest of chapter 13 makes clear that the highest law, that which supersedes any of man's laws, is the law to love our neighbour as ourselves, with it's denoting its companion commandment to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. If I'm giving into the world's spirit of fear and breaking my back to follow all man's laws, rules, regulations, directives, subcodes, and recommendations, I won't quite have time, space or mental energy to obey these two great commandments.Regarding your application of 1 Corinthians 6 19-20, as with most Canadian movies, I think I get the point.? As I have already stated numerous times, I am all for taking sensible precautions to prevent contracting COVID-19 and to avoid spreading it to others, but what would have probably made your real point better would have been if you misquoted the verses to say "you are not your own, you are the property of the government."I pray Rachel N. Stevens and her YouTube subscribers prayerfully listen to and consider what I have written. This Corona pandemic kind of hits home for me as I used to suffer a lot from fear, worry and especially hypochondria before I got saved. Believe me, it wasn't fun.Again, if there were a Moses out there saying "Thus sayeth the Lord, do this and this is how God is going to use the pandemic and these other events to bring about His return" I'd give Rachel's post and video I just happened to see today that kicked this whole thing off a lot more weight, but otherwise, I can not stress enough how we Christians can not give into the worldly fears of our governments, the CDC, WHO, and the like. Fear and the type of faith we're going to need to avoid succumbing to the temptation to take the mark of the beast when it eventually comes in a voluntary form and not a manditory COVID-19 vaccination are totally uncompattible.Also, most of you Christian parents who haven't vaccinated or are considering not vaccinating are not disobeying God's entrusted stewardship of your children. It is the duty of every Christian parent to prayerfully consider their child-rearing decisions and make the choice that is subsequently right for them. Most any parenting decision contains potential benefits and potential risks. Rachel Stevens doesn't know everything and neither does any other person.To Rachel herself, I know whatever degree in the medical field you obtained took a lot of time, money and efert to get. However, I think the aforesaid is a blind spot for you in your relationship with Christ. I would strongly advise you to seek Him on this.
The frequently zany scribblings of a well-rounded man with passionate opinions. Hey, it's better than "Something I put up because I needed to rant before my head exploded."
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Friday, April 17, 2020
The day that Christ rose and came back from the dead.
To save our souls with God's Living water and Bread.
Then when Jesus ascended up to the sky.
He sent the Spirit of God's Truth to descend on the lie.
CHRIST'S life laid out the way to live till you die.
So that you too will ascend to God's Heaven most high.
Could it be true that the fear we are facing has been empowered by choices we make?
Choose to learn the power of Prayer and become amazed.
Nothing is impossible with God
Acts 21 25
To save our souls with God's Living water and Bread.
Then when Jesus ascended up to the sky.
He sent the Spirit of God's Truth to descend on the lie.
CHRIST'S life laid out the way to live till you die.
So that you too will ascend to God's Heaven most high.
Could it be true that the fear we are facing has been empowered by choices we make?
Choose to learn the power of Prayer and become amazed.
Nothing is impossible with God
Acts 21 25
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Rich Zeoli.
Wgn, don't bring back Paul Harvey; produce something new instead. Besides, young people weren't interested in listening to him when he was alive: why would they be interested in listening to him now?
Have been listening to "The Hal Turner Show" via WRMI. Seems like he's doing the same thing as before, namely encouraging violence, but in a more subtle and toned down way.
Caught Don Harris's "Think Red Ink" on WWCR last Saturday afternoon. Harris seems to be one of these individuals who has a relentless need to over-explain everything.
Wgn, don't bring back Paul Harvey; produce something new instead. Besides, young people weren't interested in listening to him when he was alive: why would they be interested in listening to him now?
Have been listening to "The Hal Turner Show" via WRMI. Seems like he's doing the same thing as before, namely encouraging violence, but in a more subtle and toned down way.
Caught Don Harris's "Think Red Ink" on WWCR last Saturday afternoon. Harris seems to be one of these individuals who has a relentless need to over-explain everything.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
I wonder what would happen if we banned abortion, shut down
the whole pride thing, then concentrated on how to protect the vulnerable, and
did something so that people don't lose their homes like get back to work while
praying to God that we create in God's way herd immunity that we hope will
evolve into a strong antibody. We need to come out of this trial stronger not
God bless us and strengthen us as we stand together. In
Jesus Name we pray amen.
We have a new guest poster here on the Alex Horton blog: Doug. His first submission is below.
Remember, if you would like to contribute a post, send it to
Remember, if you would like to contribute a post, send it to
The fog we live in that we cannot see.
Is the deception of him that blinds us from Thee
The truth of the Lord is the only key.
To unlock the chain so that we can become free.
Turn to the light of the Lord on bended knee.
Through Prayer and scripture we come to life like he.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough from June 21, 1987. "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre taking requests. Weather forecast and mention of strawberry social at Peterborough Manor the next day. Later mention of fiddle band coming to Peterborough July 12. Then into "The Grand Ole Oprey."
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre taking requests. Mention of traditional English dancing the next day at Liftlock. Also Matchbox playing Riverview Zoo and Park Gazebo the next afternoon. Was giving away two tickets to country music at Molson Park.
Mix 106 (CIXK-FM) Owen Sound from early 1999 anncr frontselling Christina Aguilera song.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough from March 20-22, 1987. Cindy Clegg wrapping up her shift and saying Steve would be in at midnight. Commercial for Terry Sumsion coming to the Academy Theatre March 28. Then into "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre. Commercial for Your Toughcoat SystemSix Centre.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough anncr giving time of 9:28 and frontselling that morning's Gospel tune. Later, "Opry North" featuring Marie Bottrell and David Thompson.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough "The Gospel Gold" with Father Heffernan featuring The Oak Ridge Boys.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough from March 1987. "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre, Kathie Bonner of Peterborough qualifying for contest to win a trip to Nashville.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough "The Gospel Gold" with Father Heffernan, featuring a tour of the Ryman Auditorium conducted by Grant Turner.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough from February 7 and 8, 1987. "The Grand Ole Opry" hosted by Jack Green and featuring Jeanne Pruett, Justin Tubb who also promoted the for ET radiothon coming up at midnight, Charlie Louvin, and Johnny Russell. Then into "Country Gold" Then into unknown anncr giving time of 5:26 and the Ontario road report. Then into "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre giving time of 7:10. Later played song by singer coming to the Stirling Theatre the following Saturday.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre taking requests. Mention of traditional English dancing the next day at Liftlock. Also Matchbox playing Riverview Zoo and Park Gazebo the next afternoon. Was giving away two tickets to country music at Molson Park.
Mix 106 (CIXK-FM) Owen Sound from early 1999 anncr frontselling Christina Aguilera song.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough from March 20-22, 1987. Cindy Clegg wrapping up her shift and saying Steve would be in at midnight. Commercial for Terry Sumsion coming to the Academy Theatre March 28. Then into "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre. Commercial for Your Toughcoat SystemSix Centre.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough anncr giving time of 9:28 and frontselling that morning's Gospel tune. Later, "Opry North" featuring Marie Bottrell and David Thompson.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough "The Gospel Gold" with Father Heffernan featuring The Oak Ridge Boys.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough from March 1987. "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre, Kathie Bonner of Peterborough qualifying for contest to win a trip to Nashville.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough "The Gospel Gold" with Father Heffernan, featuring a tour of the Ryman Auditorium conducted by Grant Turner.
Country 105 (CKQM-FM) Peterborough from February 7 and 8, 1987. "The Grand Ole Opry" hosted by Jack Green and featuring Jeanne Pruett, Justin Tubb who also promoted the for ET radiothon coming up at midnight, Charlie Louvin, and Johnny Russell. Then into "Country Gold" Then into unknown anncr giving time of 5:26 and the Ontario road report. Then into "Sunshine Gold" with Sean Eyre giving time of 7:10. Later played song by singer coming to the Stirling Theatre the following Saturday.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Here are some good, classic children’s TV shows. Whether you’re
strolling down memory lane or need to keep the kids amused (while educating
them at the same time) there’s lots of great stuff below.
A YouTube channel “Book Mice Episodes”:
A whole episode from RetroOntario:
Another whole episode:
A RetroOntario playlist of seven “How do you Do” episodes:
“Fireman Sam” seasons 1 through 4 with the theme I remember
as a kid:
“Dear Aunt Agnes” episodes:
An episode of TV Ontario's "Tell me a Story":
Here's an episode of "Zardip's Search for Healthy Wellness":
More "Zardip" episodes:
Here's an episode of "Zardip's Search for Healthy Wellness":
More "Zardip" episodes:
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