Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Just for clarification, I am not the Alex Horton who wrote an article about the VA in the Washington Post yesterday. His blog is called Army Of Dude. Thanks for all the attention, though.

If you have information you would like made known, send it to me and I will post it. All contributors will remain annonymous unless they ask for their name to be made known..

In that spirit, below is some information a guy sent me.

I work for a company out of Minnesota that makes penile implants, and for incontinence, the urinary sphincter and males slings. Our products are implanted because a patient has had diabetes or a radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. The VA in Washington, DC has done 1 or 2 incontinence devices in the past year or so – that’s it. Yet, I see palates of condom catheters on the loading docks. It amazes me that they care so little for the Veterans and I can’t imagine walking around wet all day and what their skin must look like. Let alone how it must affect them emotionally. Why are our Veterans being subjected to wearing condom catheters and diapers?
When women have breast cancer, they are automatically offered reconstructive surgery - even on the other normal, health breast for purposes of symmetry!! But men can’t get a penile implant or an incontinence implant after a prostatectomy when there is nerve damage. What gives with the Washington, VA? Other VAs treat these problems like in Richmond and in Delaware – You would think we would offer the same for our Vets in DC.
Thanks for hearing me out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Bob McIntosh one of the longest heard voices in Canadian radio passed away at Mount Sinai Hospital at the age of 69. Bob McIntosh has been providing The Winter Road Report for nearly 50 years, starting as an employee of the provincial transportation ministry in the 60s, later syndicated by Soundsource and since 2004 by Canadian Radio Syndications.
With his reports being heard on a great many stations, over many years, his voice would have been heard by more listeners than almost anyone else in the industry. Canadian Radio Syndications President Mike Beeston said, "the industry has lost an historic voice, a dedicated servant of the listening public, and I and many others have lost a friend."

I have heard this man on CJBQ doing traffic reports. He had a classic voice and his professionalism will indeed be missed.

Click the link above to go to the website where this obituary originally appeared.


Got this in my email. Don't know how legit it is, but if it is legit this behaviour would not be atypical of the VA.

If it is of any use to you: A few years ago, I had 30 opioid pills
prescribed at the Washington VA. They were to be shipped via USPS.
Only 2 of them arrived. As you might expect, my calls and visits
resulted in a runaround with no effect and even worse, with the people
I contacted showing boredom. I got the clear although unspoken message
that it wasn't anything that hadn't already happened many times
before. A little back-of-the-envelope math pointed to right much
money--enough to grease the necessary palms.

I guess the people I got in touch with, at least one of whom I still
believe to have been honest, had long since realized there was nothing
that could be done. The scam was too easy to run. You just pocket 28
pills and drop the bottle in the mailbox. Nobody checks you. Or... if
anybody does check you, they make a nice chunk of change. And you
certainly know as well as I do what the attitude of the VA people is