He is all that we are,
He is all that we need,,
But it is up to us
To become all that we can be
in Him.
Choices matter.
The frequently zany scribblings of a well-rounded man with passionate opinions. Hey, it's better than "Something I put up because I needed to rant before my head exploded."
He is all that we are,
He is all that we need,,
But it is up to us
To become all that we can be
in Him.
Choices matter.
Learning about what is happening in the world of our time is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle that has endless pieces, but as more and more pieces ccome together the picture that you do not see on the front of the box the more you begin to see the next piece and the more you begin to see that when the puzzle is done its God's trinity complete and you see that the picture is of Christ ruling over God's Heaven on Earth.
COVID is a manipulation of the flu done by wearing a mask.
Hitler is a distraction from the beast of Mao who has you riding on its back.
When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death with your eyes open and your ears hearing and with the Holy Spirit of truth placing your steps from one rock on the path of righteousness to the next, you will need to fear know evil because it will only be able to let you pass since your shield of faith and sword of righteousness will deflect it and cause it to flee from you. Psalm 23 and 24, Ephesians 6
Few Canadians know about the internment of Ukrainians during World War I, and even fewer know the British government told Ottawa they shouldn't do so, but this article tells the story.
As Christians, we hear about other religions a lot, especially how false they are and how the gods of those religions don't compare to the living God. We also hear testimonies from Christians who formerly adhered to many of the world's religions. However, there's one belief system we don't hear preached against nearly as often: common superstition, including, most prominently, luck and the things that bring the good or bad variety.
The belief in luck is more prevalent than one might think and this article explains the issue quite well, even refuting Biblical verses that would seem to support the idea.
I've come across a lot of Christian articles online in my time that weren't worth reading, but about the dangers of the Twilight Saga is just the opposite. The article is a thorough examination of the messages in the books and movies, spiritual and otherwise.
Of course, you know an article is worth reading if your head is fairly buzzing with new thoughts afterwords, so here are some of mine:
One reason these books and movies inspire an ungodly lust for power is churches aren't teaching about the power Christians have in Christ. Matthew 28 18 Most churches are silent on the issue, especially in youth groups where what they mostly do is play silly games and then have six year old Sunday school all over again.
Though Edward is a confusing Babylonian mix of evil and attractive characteristics, churches could do worse than to teach young men how to be good men of God, and I don't mean the way they do now, which consists alternately of "keep it in your pants" which just turns females from sex objects the world says you're supposed to touch to sex objects your pastor says you aren't supposed to touch, and a twisting of the Scriptures to say men are supposed to rule their girls with at least something like an iron fist and girls are supposed to submit to their husbands in every single thing. In the Baptist circle I used to hang out in, it had gotten to the point where the verse in 1 Corinthians 14 had been so twisted out of context that women would ask their husbands what certain passages the women couldn't understand meant, rather than looking them up, regardless of one's spiritual condition compared to the other.
Mormons are heretics, brothers and sisters. Don't let them in your house.
There are young men out there who, not having had success with girls, are going to use "Twilight" as a dating manual and, most likely without meaning to, become abusive boyfriends and husbands.
"Twilight", in sum, is about an uncoordinated girl with no self-confidence, an absentee father, a mushhead mother, and a question mark stepfather who ends up falling, and becoming utterly co-dependent upon a demonic being because she doesn't feel she'll ever do any better.
"Bella and Her Children Flee to a Women's Shelter will not be seen at this time ..."
First, let me state I do not believe Joe Brown and Sally Smith who drive a gas-powered car to and from work each day, eat steak on Friday and fly to Florida for a week every winter are warming the planet to such a dangerous temperature we'll all be dead in however many years.
To the extent that global warming or climate change is happening, it is caused by
Maybe this is part of my tendency to overthink things, but I like to think holistically about stuff. Our environment is a whole thing. You can't put the climate in one area and everything else in another area, nor can you do this with carbon and all the other elements that make up everything. Therefore, we need to look at our whole environment and not just the so-called climate change issue.
If society really cared about the planet, corporations would make stuff to last. A microwave lasts four years these days. A washer and dryer lasts seven years now if you're lucky. Why don't companies make things to be useful for decades anymore?
And while we're at it, let's quit it with this whole internet of things for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the difficulty, or impossibility, of repairing digital technology.
If society really cared about the planet, all weapons of mass destruction would be destroyed. What do you think the detonation of even one nuclear, chemical or biological weapon would do to Earth?
If society really cared about the planet, then, instead of telling us to have meatless Mondays, as if we're all Catholics with broken calendars, those in charge would be encouraging people to get into agriculture. Get rid of these factory farms and all their chemical fertilizers, chemical feeds, and added chemicals for extra flavour. Have cattle farms that raise the animals naturally, feed them grass instead of corn, and have the bovines do the fertilizing with their manure.
If those in charge really cared about the earth, they would prop up rural areas. Make it so a living can be made once again in small towns. This would facilitate telecommuting, using green transportation to get to work such as walking or biking, or shorter commutes using cars.
If society really cared about the environment, then those in charge would make it easier for one parent to stay at home with their children. This would mean fewer cars on the road, fewer coffee cups being thrown away, fewer fast food or processed food containers being thrown away, and that more parents could use elimination communication or cloth diapers on their children.
Click here for more.
Regular readers of this blog are probably pretty familiar with George Soros, but many of you may have only heard his name on the mainstream news in connection with so-called right-wing conspiracy theorists. For the latter group of folks, this article should provide plenty of information and, I pray, open your eyes.
Actually, they've been here for a while and accelerated with the introduction of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. This article brilliantly dissects the movie and its disingenuous nature.
That's the way tyranny works, folks. Give people a little bit of hope, such as with every election cycle.
Simultaneously, either keep the masses in line through fear (Hitler, Russians, white nationalists, terrorism, COVID) or give them something to root for (Olympics.)
My hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who embodies all the hope in the universe. One day those in charge of and participating in the hunger games will be burning in eternal Hell and Christ's people will be living with Him in eternal perfection. Choose which ending you want for yourself. Acts 2 38
The mask of the false teachings are creeping across the world: The great deception that has deceived so many by driving a wedge that separates the soul from the spirit and the flesh, removing any restraints of righteousness, separating the soul from the spirit and flesh through the works of iniquities of lust, greed and self-righteousness: the recipe of Satan's evil brew that brings on death into his demise.
The flame of Mao's Cultural Revolution has never gone out and is burning us alive but we don't see its flame for the smoke that is blinding us.
God's people are better off together in unity than separated in iniquities.
Say a prayer for family in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
It seems that a lot of us have forgotten or never learned God's purpose for the trees of His Creation and the plants of the oceans. Somehow we believe only technology can move us forward into a life worth living when the truth is that technology is the enemy of naturality, life and the way God created it. He created the trees of the forest and the plants of the seas to cleanse the air so that we can breathe it again. The more we keep cutting and burning God's trees to the ground and throwing our waste into our water the quicker our time here as we know it will end.
Only Jesus can heal from the iniquities of this world.
As this article demonstrates and attempts to correct, our image of the Norsemen hasn't changed much in a millennium. The article also contains links to more information.
Just when you thought you'd heard about all the hidden history and conspiracy facts the rich and powerful of the world are up to, along comes of an eccentric billionaire who died in 1976, a victim of his ocd, or did he?
This article gives a on the bombing than people are traditionally used to. The one thing I will say in disagreement with this piece is that it was not about proving to the Soviets that the U.S. should have economic dominance. The other Allied nations had seen and heard what Stalin's forces had done in eastern Europe and were aware of the brutal Russian dictatorship. Churchill had sent British troops to Greece to prevent Stalin from taking that over. The States needed to prove to the Russians, using Japan that the Russians should not think of taking over Japan, ostensibly for the anti-Axis cause and extending the Iron Curtain there, too.
It sure sounds like it judging by this via the New Zealand Herald. Wishful thinking does not make sin to be not sin.
COVID spelt backward is DIVOC, t the demon virus.
It is about learning to see and hear God's truth. The conspiracy theory that we talk about actually began in the garden of Eden when man fell to the deception of evil ways.
Then God destroyed evil in the times of Noah and again in the times of Lot and now is about to wage this ancient war once and finally again.
This is why God sent His son Jesus Christ to bless us through Him with the gift of the Holy Spirit of truth and direction into restoration as one. See the Book of John, the apostle of God's ways to eternal life in Jesus' way.
The masks are of the demon whose feet are iron and clay.
Mask free is the only way to be.
Removing all masks of sin is the only way to Thee.
If the COVID vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting, spreading or dying from the disease then why are you getting it?
Anyone who still thinks food comes from Farmer Brown and his family needs to watch this movie.